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*- WHAT ISLAM SAYS -* - Islam is a religion of Mercy, Peace and Blessing. Its teachings emphasize kind hear tedness, help, sympathy, forgiveness, sacrifice, love and care.Qur’an, the Shari’ah and the life of our beloved Prophet (SAW) mirrors this attribute, and it should be reflected in the conduct of a Momin.Islam appreciates those who are kind to their fellow being,and dislikes them who are hard hearted, curt, and hypocrite.Recall that historical moment, when Prophet (SAW) entered Makkah as a conqueror. There was before him a multitude of surrendered enemies, former oppressors and persecutors, who had evicted the Muslims from their homes, deprived them of their belongings, humiliated and intimidated Prophet (SAW) hatched schemes for his murder and tortured and killed his companions. But Prophet (SAW) displayed his usual magnanimity, generosity, and kind heartedness by forgiving all of them and declaring general amnesty...Subhanallah. May Allah help us tailor our life according to the teachings of Islam. (Aameen)./-
"INDIA "- Time in New Delhi -
''HASBUNALLAHU WA NI'MAL WAKEEL'' - ''Allah is Sufficient for us'' + '' All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' (Aameen)
Dua' from Al'Qur'an - for SUCCESS in 'both the worlds': '' Our Lord ! grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter and save us from the torment of the Fire '' [Ameen] - {in Arab} :-> Rabbanaa aatinaa fid-dunyaa hasanatan wafil aakhirati hasanatan waqinaa 'athaaban-naar/- (Surah Al-Baqarah ,verse 201)*--*~
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*- Our Nabi' (s.a.w) Most Like this Dua' -*
"Allahumma Salli'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Sallayta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed. Allahumma Baarik'Alaa Muhammadin Wa 'Alaa'Aali Muhammadin, kamaa Baarakta 'Alaa' Ibraheema wa 'Alaa 'Aali 'Ibraheema, 'Innaka Hameedun Majeed." ******
"Al Qur'an - first Ayath, came to our Nabi (s.a.w)
"Read! In the name of yourLord Who created. Created man from clinging cells. Read! And your Lord is Most Bountiful. The One Who taught with the Pen. Taught man what he did not know." (Qur'an 96: 1-5) - ~ - ~ - lt;18.may.2012/friday-6.12pm:{IST} ;(Ayatul Kursi Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 255/)
*- Al Qur'an's last ayath came to Nabi{s.a.w} -*
Allah states the following: “Thisday have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [Qur’an 5:3]
Surat alAhzab 40; Says Our Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is the final Prophet sent by Allah'

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* A Precious DUA' *
Dua' - '' All praise is due to Allah'. May peace and blessings beupon the Messenger, his household and companions '' - - - O Allah, I am Your servant, son of Your servant, son of Your maidservant; my forelock is in Your hand; Your command over me is forever executed and Your decree over me is just; I ask You by every name belonging to You that You have named Yourself with, or revealed in Your book, ortaught to any of Your creation, or have preserved in the knowledge of the unseen with You, that You make the Qur'an thelife of my heart and the light of my breast, and a departure for my sorrow and a release from my anxiety.
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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Domestic violence against women in the West – II

England - Severe, repeated and systematic violence occurs in at least
5 of every hundred marriagesin Britain;
Between 40 and 45% of murdered women are killed by their male partners;
Between 1 of every 2 women are murdered by their male partners everyweek;
more than 25% of all violent crime reported to the police is domestic
violence of men against women, making it the second most common
violent crime; (Domestic Violence - Action for Change, G. Hague & E.
Malos, 1993)
· 100,000 women peryear seek treatment in London for violent
injuries received in the home (Punching Judy, BBC1 TV programme, 1989)
· 30,000 women and children stay in refuges in the UK every year;
One quarter of all assaultsare in domestic circumstances (Domestic
Violence - Report of an Inter-Agency Working Party, 1992)
· Jean Louis stated that between one third to two thirds of
divorce cases are due to violence at homes, consuming intoxicants and
the low moral standards of men.
· In another report, 77% of husbands who beat their wives do
it for no reason. Additionally, the report quoted a woman, whose
husband has been beating her for three and a half years since they got
married, she said: "If I tell him complain about anythingafter he
beats me, he would resume hitting me, and thus I choose to remain
silent. He does not beat using one method, but rather uses many
different means of beating, like punching, kicking and hitting my head
against the wall; and he would not care if his kicks or munches fall
on sensitive areas of my body."
· Women organizations try to provide shelters, financial
assistance and psychological care for thevictims. Joan Jangler is one
such example for women who lead this type of campaign, and through the
past twelve years she helped thousands of people whowere abused at
their homes. She collected seventy thousand Poundsto run this project
and established the first center in Manchester in 1971, and then her
centers spread throughout England and reached one hundred and fifty
centers in total.
· Domestic violence accounts for almost a quarter (23%) of all
violent crime. The British Crime Survey: England and Wales. London:
HomeOffice, 2000.
· In 1999 37% of women homicide victims were killed by present
or former partners. This totals 92 women, - 1 every 3 days, or 2
womenper week. Criminal Statistics England & Wales1999. London: Home
Office, 1999.
· 1 in 5 young men think that abuse or violence against women
is acceptable. Zero Tolerance Charitable Trust. 1998.
· In France, almost two million women are subject to physical
abuse.The officials from the French police stated that this phenomenon
covers around 10% of the French families. The government announced
that they will run a campaign to educate people most of whom consider
this phenomenon a normal thing.
· Michele André, who is the secretariat for women's rights in
France:"Even animals are treatedbetter than women sometimes. If a man
hits a dog in the street then at one person would complain to an
animal right's organization, but when a man hits his wife in the
street, no one moves". She added in a press conference to French
press: "People must be made to understand that hitting isan act that
just will hold them accountable for. I would like for people to stop
thinking of this as a normal matter … the world admits of the
existence of the concept of a controller and a controlled, and
approves of it …this is a logic that must be stopped".
· "France Swar" newspaper quoted officials in the police
forces regarding such who said: "92.7% of beating cases amongst
spouses happen in cities while 60% of the calls appealing for help in
Paris were women whose husbands were abusing them"
· The secretariat for women's rights in France that there
different typesof abuse practiced against women, some
arepsychological, like threats and humiliation, and others are
physical, like hitting.
· An organization named "Rescue of women who are beaten"
noticed that the women who are received in theirorganization range
between 25 and 35 years of age, and the average they were mothers of
two children whose education level was law. In most case such ladies
were isolated from their families and neighbors. More than often,
matters like illness, addiction to intoxicants or unemployment made
the abuse practiced against them increase even more, but few dared to
expose their situation due to them fearing theirhusbands' revenge, or
due to the lack of courage.
· A twenty five year old lady, who tolerated two years of her
husband's beating, said when she was told to leave her house: "In
France we do not talk about our married lives, because we do not trust
his friends or anyone elseto the point that we disclose our personal
secrets to them"
· Alixder Douma, one of the French writers resembled women to
meat slices saying: "The more you beat them the thicker they get"
· In a major survey done of over 12,000 Canadian women in
1993, findings showed that one in four women reported experiencing
violence from a partner or ex-partner. The Violence Against Women
Survey. Ottawa: Ministry of Supply & Services, 1993.
· The results of a Canadian survey that included married
womenreflected that the capital experienced more intensive cases of
violence against wives than any other place. 36% of wives openly
declared that they were abused one way or another at least once since
they reached the age of sixteen. 81% of the abuse cases recorded by
the police departmentwere done by males, 9% of the abuse cases were
done by females, and 10% of the abuse cases were done by both malesand
females. More than half of these cases (53%) resulted due to one of
the two parties at least being under the influence of intoxicants.
New Zealand:
· According to an official survey to record the cases of
domestic violence which was conduct by the Suzan Snaifli and her team
reflected that almost three hundred thousand woman and children were
victims and domestic violence cases.
· Moreover, according to another survey done by social
services in New Zealand, it was agreed that the ratio of domestic
violence reach a rough percentage of 14%. According to other similar
studies and surveys in 1994, the ratio was 1 out of 10 or 1 to 4 based
the population. This means that the number of abused children were
129556 and the number of abused women were 172125, giving a total of
301681 abuse cases all together.
· In the year 1985 domestic violence was one of the factors
that contributed to the increase of divorce cases to reach 59% from
1500 divorce cases. 38% of these cases were working class women who
were forced to call in the police for severe cases of beating, while
13% of the middle class wives refrained from calling the police, in
addition to 4% of the wives from the upper class.
· According to one of the surveys in Germany, not less than
one hundred thousand women are being attacked and abused by their
husbands or boyfriends yearly, both physically and psychologically,
with the possibility that the actual figure jumps the six digit
· One of the surveys conduct attributed the high number of
abuse cases to long-term unemployment, debts, being an alcoholic and
extreme jealousy. One of the governmental institutes in Germany set a
program to offer aid through a charitable organization over a period
of two years as a solution to this phenomenon.
· Switzerland 1997 - 20% of a small sample of women report
being physically assaulted (From WHO's website).
These were some surveys and numbers reflecting the reality of the
situation of the western woman in the United States and Europe. These
countries are claiming to want to reform men by amending laws and
legislations worldwide.
The American and European man who commits such a huge number of abuse
cases against women, whether a wife, a daughter or a girlfriend, he
does so because the method of upbringing in their countries are
corrupt andastray and need major practical reformation.
Women in the Arabic andMuslim countries do not face even one tenth of
such humility, because men get their guidance from their religion
before the law, men are (in most cases) ashamed of committing such
crimes that these surveys address.
We are not claiming that our communities are freefrom any abnormal
cases,but such crimes remain within limited numbers that co not exceed
by anycase 5%.
The so called "Women freedom" program that istrying to enforce the
western values and criterions on the entire glob, is doing nothing but
attempting to place Muslim women in a low rank and make her a cheep
commodity for men to enjoy, use and abuse her by working during day
time, then physical abuse on her and her children at night.
We wish that true and authentic surveys could be conducted in our
Islamic countries to proveto the world that the Muslim woman who wears
a head veil and a face cover, as in some of our conservative
communities, gets honored and enjoys the care which the American and
western woman never dreams to get.
Note: Most of the statistical data collected are about Western
societies that are due to the availability of documentation on the
matter. We realize that crime is prevalent in all societies -- Eastern
and Western alike. The main thrust of our topic is that adopting the
Islamic solution is more fruitful than man-made solutions.
Note: Most of the statistical data collected are about Western
societies and that are due to the availability of documentation on the
matter. We realize that domestic violence is prevalent in all
societies -- Eastern and Western alike. The main thrust of our topic
is that adoptingthe Islamic solution is more fruitful than man-made

Domestic violence against women in the West – I

Where does the western woman stand in scale of humanity and who represents her?
Are they represented by the artificial ladies of Hollywood who appear
on the TV screens, who are suppressed by the massive work load and by
When comparing two different cultures, can a real study be made in
order to compare between the realities of the two cultures, and thus
reach a practical answer (and not just an informative one) as to which
of the two is more honorable and civilized?
In a media that is controlled by corrupt people, women who adhere to
Hijaab are considered as a clear evidence for her humility,
backwardness degradation, ignorance… etc. On the other hand, trading
with women's bodies was never considered as such…!!
We are trying to claim that the situation of the Muslim or Arab woman
is in the highest level of perfection and development. Additionally,
we do not believe that the humongous stress she faces is due to her
being a female, but rather it is part of what men face, allof which
comes as a natural result of the nation being oppressed, tyrannized
and forced to follow other cultures.
When we address the situation and status of the western woman, we will
do it from an inside look and we will let thoseconcerned do the
talking,and let numbers and statistics inform about reality.
We will raise a real dialogue between two civilizations, not only a
methodological or ideological one, but a true comparison between the
two realities. The topic we chose to start with and address is;
"Domestic Violence Against Women In The West".
We must notice that such violence, which goes beyond human limits
anddimensions, is not exercised by illiterate people who live in the
countryside somewhere, nor in the poorest areas. Conversely, such
abuse is practiced by slick men like those who appear in Hollywood who
are in some cases well educatedhaving high social status. It is
exercised against weak women, regardless how fine they may appear to
be … after returning to their homes;they become nothing more than
slaves under the effect of lash of humility and violence.
We will limit our talk to domestic violence against women in the west,
and we will prove by numbers that the humiliated woman is not the one
who lives in Afghanistan and wears her face cover. We will illustrate
that such woman is not the one from the Arabian Peninsula, who is in
fact well protected and honored in a community that calls for her
respect. Real degrade and vulgarity is that which makes a woman cheap
merchandise just like anyother tradable good, andmade her subject to
attacks and all types of oppression and inequity.
The United States of America:
Violence, in all its shapes, has afflicted the weakest member of the
family, namely women and children. Things like, secrecy, no sufficient
evidence and legal and social barriers make it difficult to obtain
very accurate data regarding violence against women, which is,
according to social scholars, is the least type of crime that gets
Ironically, most of the available information regarding violence
against women is collected from small statistics done here and there,
which give a quickgeneral view for something as important as this
international phenomenon. Such information can not be used to provide
precise indicators to the level of violence and abuse practiced
against women, but it certainly clarifies that violence andabuse at
homes is a widespread phenomenon, and that the woman is the victim in
most cases.
· In 1980, a statistic was done by Appleton, which included
six hundred and twenty American ladies showed that 35% of them were
subject to physical husband abuse at least once. In 1981, Chtraws
expressed that husband abuse ranges between 50-60% in the United
States. On the other hand, in 1982, the percentage was estimated to be
21% by Russell, while Baglo estimated it to range between 25-30%.
· In 1984, based on her research, Walker pointed out that
American women are well experienced in physical abuse, and that 41% of
women experienced physical abuse by their mothers and 44% by their
fathers. 44% of them witnessed accidents of physical abuse by their
fathers on their mothers.
· Two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight people were
killed in 1985 by one of their family members, and if only consider
the case of women we see that two thirds of them were killed by their
husbands or boyfriends. Then again, in 1984, 20% of women were killed
by their husbands and 10% by their boyfriends.
· Statistics prove that three out of every four women were
subject to abuse; 9% of which was done by ex-husbands, 35% by
boyfriends and 32% by ex-boyfriends.
· Another statistic that studied the percentage of attackers
confirmed that ex-husbands or separated husbands committed 79% of the
attacks, while husbands committed 21% of the attacks.
· Statistics proved that the most common cause for physical
injury of women (and in some cases the only cause) wastheir
boyfriends. It was higher in number than injuries caused by car
accidents, robberies and rape all accumulated.
· According to a study, one out of every four women who seek
medical care by a family physician, report that they physically abused
bytheir boyfriends. 37% of such women reported that they hardly
overcame them being sexually abused in their childhood, and 29%
reported that they were sexually abused when they reached puberty.
Also, women who were subject to such abuse experienced depression more
than women who did not.
· Results of a questionnaire that was done on six thousand
American families showed that 50% of the men continuously abuse their
wives and children physically.
· Children who were subjected to physical abuse by their
fathers usually grow up to be violent people with their wives and
abusive of them three times more than other men who did not experience
abuse from their fathers in childhood. Additionally, children whose
fathers were very harsh and abusive are one thousand times more likely
to be abusive to their wives.
· More than three million kids are endangered by parents'
abuse per year.
· One million women per year suffer being the victim of abuse
by a family member that does not reach the extent of death; this
statistic is one of the most moderate ones.
· Four million American women a year experience life
threatening abuse by their boyfriends. Moreover, one out of every
three grown up women face physical abuse by their boyfriendsat least
· In 1993 five hundred and fifty seven men were arrested for
their abuse to women.
· In 1994, 21% of physical abuse cases against women were done
relatives, while only4% of the attack cases against men were done by
female relatives.
· 90-95% of the victims of domestic violence were women.
· Children who live inhomes were the husbandand wife attack
one another are subject to physical abuse fifteen hundred times more
thanother children.
· 40-60% of the men who ill-treat their wives physically abuse
their children.
· In one of the studies done, 27% of the murder cases inside
the same family were children.
· 90% of children who get killed before theage of ten were
killed as a result of a family dispute, and 56% of themwere younger
than two years of age.
· In 1994, two hundred and forty three thousand of those who
received medical care in the "Emergency Room" were treated for
injuries resulting from physical abuse done by a relative, and the
ratio of men to women in this number was 1:9.
· There are at least four million reports of violence against
women yearly, and around 20% of them happened in the house.
· In 1991, more than ninety women were killed weekly; nine out
ofevery ten were killed by a man.
· In around 30% of the family violence cases weapons were used.
· 95% of family violence cases were attacks by men on women.

Does being in debt mean that zakaah is no longer due? Can he delayzakaah because he has no cash available?.,Dought clear -

In our country we have been affected by war and we were expelled from
our land 23 years ago. Praise be to Allah, my father and I are settled
now and we have a business. We borrowed money in order to settle and
start a business, the value of which was 1 million. When we worked out
the value of zakaah that we owe on the property and trade goods that
wehave in our possession, it was estimated to be 7 million, and the
trade goods on which zakaah is due are worth 5 or 6 million.
My questions are:
1. Are we required to pay zakaah, as we have not paid it all these
yearsbecause we were not able to pay off the debt of 1 million? Was it
correct for us not to pay zakaah?
2. We do not have any cash now, if we are required to pay zakaah. We
helped a brother of ours to pay off a debt heowed, so that he could
pay off the borrowed amount without paying the interest that had been
agreed upon. Is it possible for us to waive this debt and thus pay off
the zakaah that we owe?
3. We own some property in the country where the war was, that we took
possession of after the war ended, andwe are planning to sell this
property in order to pay off debts and so thatwe can buy a house in
the place where we live now. Is this property subject to zakaah?.
Praise be to Allah.
Zakaah is due on trade goods according to the correct scholarly
opinion. Whatever has been prepared for trade is subject to zakaah if
it reaches the nisaab or minimum threshold and one hijri year has
passedsince the capital was acquired.
According to the correct scholarly view, debt does not mean that
zakaah is waived. If a person owns the minimum threshold and one hijri
year has passed, he must pay his zakaah, even if he owes a debt that
brings his wealth lower than the minimum threshold. But if he pays off
his debts before the new zakaah year begins, and his wealth falls
below the minimum threshold, then he does not have topay anything.
See the answer to question no. 109896
Based on the above, you have to pay zakaah for the years during which
you did not pay zakaah when it was due from you. The fact that you did
not know that debt does not waive the obligation of zakaah does not
cancel out the obligation that was due from the wealth, even if it
does mean that the burden of sin for not paying zakaah on time
If a person lends money to someone, he does nothave the right to let
him off and count it as part of his zakaah. This is the view of the
majority of scholars. So you do not have the right to count what you
lent to this person as being part of your zakaah. But if you gave him
the zakaah of your wealth, and he returned it to you in order to pay
off his debt or part of it, there is no blame on you for that.
See the answer to question no. 13901 . Based on that, it is not
permissible for you to count what you lent to this man as part of your
If zakaah is due from a person and he does not have any cash with
which to pay the zakaah,then he has the choice: either he can sell
some of the wealth on which zakaah is due and pay the zakaah; or he
can give some of the trade goods that he has that are equal in value
to the zakaah he owes, if thosegoods are things that will be of
benefit to the poor, such as food, clothing and so on; or this zakaah
may remain something that he owes until he acquires cash with which to
pay zakaah, if selling something on which zakaah is due will affect
him adversely. See the answer to question no. 177963
With regard to the property in the land where war occurred, if you
could not dispose of it or reach it because of the war, no zakaah is
due on it for the past period, because it comesunder the ruling on
property that was usurped and could not be disposed of. But as you
have been able to obtain it and dispose of it, then to be on the safe
side you should pay zakaah of one year on it for what has passed, even
if it was many years. See the answer to question no. 129657
All of this applies if this wealth was things on which zakaah is due
in the first place, such as cash, gold, silver and thelike. As for
property suchas agricultural land and real estate, there is no zakaah
on that at all; rather zakaah is due on the crops and returns. During
wartime, there were no crops or returns.
And Allah knows best.

She is going to go to Jeddah and she does nothave any firm intention to do ‘umrah; from where should she enter ihram if she does decide to do ‘umrah?.,Dought clear -

I am currently living in Canada for the purpose of study, but my
permanent place of residence is between Jeddah and Amman. When I
stayed in Ammanduring the summer break, I decided to go toJeddah to
deal with some official papers, andI intended to do 'umrah if Allah
made that possible for me and if I had a mahram and enough time to do
'umrah. I intended to do 'umrah from Jeddah because my mahram would be
there. But because I was not certain that I would be able to do
'umrah, on the day I travelled by plane I did not do ghusl, because I
was menstruating and I had not yet decided to do 'umrah. When I got
there on the second day I did ghusl and formed the intention to do
'umrah from Jeddah, and I did it.
My questions are:
Is my ihram from the miqaat of Jeddah considered valid or not? Because
of my family circumstances, we are always moving back andforth between
Jeddah and Amman, and we always enter ihram fromour house in Jeddah,
even if we are on our way back from a trip to Amman and after
stayingin Jeddah for several days. We do not remember how many times
we have done 'umrah in this manner.
What is required of us if we should have entered ihram from the miqaat
for the people of ash-Shaam (Greater Syria)? After I did 'umrahI was
uncertain as to whether I was completely clean following my period. If
I think it most likely that I was still menstruating whilst I was
doing 'umrah, what is the ruling on my 'umrah andwhat expiation do I
haveto offer?.
Praise be to Allah.
If a person passes the miqaat intending to do Hajj or 'umrah, it is
not permissible for him to pass it without entering ihram, because of
the report narrated by Ibn 'Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) who
said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) defined the meeqaat of the people of Madeenah as Dhu'l-Hulayfah;
that of the people of Shaam (Syria) as al-Juhfah; that of the people
of Najd as Qarn al-Manaazil; and that of the people of Yemen as
Yalamlam. And he said: "And these miqaats are for the people at those
very places, and besides them for those who come through those places,
and are not residents thereof, with the intention of performing Hajj
and 'Umrah; and whoever is living within these boundaries can enter
ihraam from the place where he lives, and the people of Makkah can
start from Makkah."
Narrated by al-Bukhaari,1526; Muslim, 1181
An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said:ash-Shaafa'i and our
companions said: If the one who has come from far away comes to the
miqaat intending to perform Hajj or 'Umrah or qiraan (i.e., both), it
isharaam for him to pass itwithout entering ihram, according to
scholarly consensus.
End quote from al-Majmoo', 7/214
But if he passed the miqaat without intending to do Hajj or 'umrah, or
he was not sure and had not yet made up his mind, then he decided to
do 'umrahafter passing the miqaat,he should enter ihram from the place
where hedecided to do 'umrah, unless he is in Makkah, in which case he
should go outside of the Haram zone then enter ihram for 'umrah from
Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said, commenting on
the hadeeth of Ibn 'Abbaas quoted above:
From this we understandthat if a person travels without the intention
of doing Hajj or 'umrah and he passes the miqaat, then after that he
decides to do Hajj or 'umrah, he should enter ihram from the place
where he decided to do Hajj or 'umrah, and he does not have to go back
to the miqaat, because the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be
upon him) said: "from the place he sets out".
End quote from Fath al-Baari
Shaykh Muhammad al-Mukhtaar ash-Shanqeeti (may Allah preserve him) said:
The second scenario: if he went to Jeddah and was hesitant, thinking:
I do not know if I will have enough time or not, then in such cases it
is permissible for him not to enter ihram at themiqaat of Madinah.
For example: there is a person who has some business to do in Jeddah
and he does not know whether he will have enough time to do 'umrah or
not. If he is not sure about the time, it is permissible for him to go
to Jeddah without ihram, and do what he needs to in Jeddah, then enter
ihram from Jeddahif he decides to go to 'umrah from there, because the
Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "and whoever
is living within these boundaries can enter ihraam from the place he
decides (to do 'umrah)."
This applies to the one who does not have the clear intention of
performing 'umrah fromMadinah, so he is uncertain and hesitant; he
does not have to enter ihram until he is certain that he is going to
do 'umrah.
End quote from Sharh Zaad al-Mustaqni'.
Shaykh 'Abd al-'Azeez ibn 'Abdullah ibn Aal ash-Shaykh (may Allah
preserve him) was asked:
My colleagues and I were sent to Jeddah to do work for Hajj for two
months. Some of us put our ihram in our cars or suitcases, then when
we found some free time we intended to do 'Umrah and entered ihram
from Jeddah. Is this permissible, or do we have to go to the miqaat of
as-Sayl and enter ihram from there?
He replied: If you had decided to do 'umrah before travelling, and
from the time you started your journey to Jeddah your intention was to
do 'umrah, then what you have to do is enter ihram from the miqaat,
because the intention to do 'umrah had already been formed. But if the
decision to do 'umrah was not made until afteryou had settled in
Jeddah, then you should enter ihram from Jeddah.
But if your intention wasnot fixed, in the sense that you were not
sure, then this uncertainty means that you had not firmly decided to
do 'umrah. Based on that, if you made your mind up when you were
closer (to Makkah) than the miqaat, you can enter ihram from the place
where you formed your intention. And Allah knows best.
End quote from Majallat al-Buhooth al-Islamiyyah, 60/95
If a person passes the miqaat, intending to do Hajj or 'umrah, then he
does not enter ihram from the miqaat, he has to go back to the
miqaatthat he passed and enterihram from there. If he does not go
back, he hasto offer a sacrifice for each time that he passedit.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about a person
who was obligedto offer a sacrifice because he entered ihram from
Jeddah after passing the miqaat, and he has made this mistake several
times – what does he have to do? Should he offer one sacrifice and
will that be sufficient, or is the answer something otherthan that?
He replied: He has to offer a sacrifice for each occasion, to be
slaughtered in Makkah for the poor, if he passed the miqaat intending
to do Hajj or 'umrah, then he entered ihram from Jeddah. One seventh
of a camel or one seventh of a cow is acceptable as a sacrifice for
that. He also has to repent to Allah, may He be glorified, from that,
because it is not permissible for a Muslim to pass the miqaat,
intending to do Hajj or 'Umrah, without entering ihraam, because the
Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "And these
miqaats are for the people at those very places, and besides them for
those who come through those places, and are not residents thereof,
with the intention of performing Hajj and 'Umrah"; and because Ibn
'Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Whoever omits a ritual
(of Hajj or 'umrah) or forgets it, let him offer a sacrifice.
End quote from Majmoo'al-Fataawa, 17/12
He has to try hard to remember how many times he has to offer
sacrifices for, until he thinks it most likely that he has discharged
his duty.
If a woman sees the tuhr(signal of the end of menses) that she usually
sees at the end of her period, whether that is complete dryness or the
white discharge, whatever usually signals the end of her period, and
she purifies herself and does tawaaf (circumambulation of the Ka'bah)
and sa'i (going between as-Safa and al-Marwah), or praysand fasts,
then after thatshe becomes uncertain about the state of purity on
which she based those acts of worship, she should not pay any
attention to that uncertainty and she does not have to do anything,
because uncertainty after completing an act of worship does not have
any impact, so long as she started it when she was certain about her
situation, on the basis ofwhat she usually sees at the end of her
But if she was hasty and was not sure whether her menses had ended
before she started 'umrah, and she did not sees what she usually sees
every time her period ends, then after that she began to doubt whether
her menses hadended, as is the case in this question, then her 'umrah
is not complete, because the basic principle is that she was still
menstruating and she did not know whether her period has ended. So she
has to avoid all the things that are prohibited during ihram, the most
important of which is intercourse with her husband, because she is
still in a state of ihram until she goes back to Makkah, does tawaaf
and saa'i, and cuts her hair, then exits her ihram.
If she did any of the actions that are prohibited during ihrambefore
that, she is excused for them because she thought that her 'umrah had
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: With regard
to what she has done of the things that are prohibited (during ihram),
let us assume that her husband had intercourse with her, and
intercourse during ihram is the most seriousof the prohibited actions;
however there is no blame on her because she was unaware of the
ruling. Ifa person does one of theactions that are prohibited during
ihramout of ignorance or because he forgot or was forced to do it,
there is no blame on him.
End quote from Majmoo'al-Fataawa, 21/351
And Allah knows best.