Monday, September 2, 2013

Fathwa, - Desire to seek high level of Islamic Knowledge vs current Occupation

I am a convert to Islamas of 1995, alHamdulillah, and a doctor by
occupation. Iam specialising in obstetrics and gynecology, and have
insha'Allah 3 more years full time before I am fully qualified. I have
been married 3 years and we have twochildren together. My husband and
I have begun the path to self improvement and acquisition of our fard
'ain with classes, including those at Sunnipath in fiqh and (for me)
Arabic, since I am limited in my ability to travel with young children
and work etc. Over the last year or so, I have begun to become quite
disillusioned with my work, and began feeling more strongly than
before that I want to seek Islamic knowledge to a (high) level, and be
the best Muslim (wife, mother, person) I can be. Also, I have
increasingly had a desire to learn more so that I can teach my
children their fard 'ain etc. I know that I did not undertake my job
lightly, and that it is a fard kifayah, and I am also blessed with a
husband who is very supportive of this job, but I don't know what to
do. Due to our circumstances, we don't envisage being able to go to an
Arab country for at least a decade to live and study, and so at
present we are limitedto learning from teachers here, as well as
SunniPath. I just keep thinking, of the time I converted, whenI was
given the opportunity to go to al-Azhar to study fiqh and become a
faqih by the organisation I was involved with. I was also concurrently
offered medicine, and chose the latter because it had been my lifelong
dream. I know everything happens for a reason, but I suppose I need
encouragement to continue, if it is the right thing, versus even
stopping, and being a full time mum. Please advise. Jazak Allahu
In the Name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
Praise be to Allah
Blessings and salutations to our beloved Messenger
Dear Sister,
Assalamu alaikum,
I pray this reaches you ingood health and spirits.
Thank you for sharing this information; nonetheless, I can't makethis
decision for you. Whatever path you take, remember that Allah Most
High does not place upon us a burden greater than we can bear.
Try not to live with regret. You chose the decision that reflected
your lifelong dream. You should learn to accept that decision and see
thebenefit in it. We Muslim women have a definite need for observant,
practicing female Muslimdoctors. There's certainlya lot of good you
can do with your skills and training.
If your heart is simply not in medicine, however, then you have the
freedom to leave the field and stay home with your children. However,
don't live in the past. Instead, look to the future. To that end, you
should make Salat al-Istikhara, then draw up a plan for how you might
pursue your new dream of studying Sacred Knowledge.
With a husband and children to relocate overseas, you will have some
challenges on your hands. But given your training in medicine and the
academic rigor required, I'm sure you're prepared to meet any
challenges that lie ahead.
Again, I am not telling you to finish your medical degree. And I amnot
suggesting that you leave medicine. What I am suggesting is that you
ask Allah to give you contentment and the best of this world and the
hereafter in whatever choice you make.
And Allah knows best.

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