Monday, September 2, 2013

Satan Directs AtheisticFreemasonry

Ever since the time of the Prophet Adam (as), satan has tried to
mislead people always by the same deception. This deception, that
denies belief in Allah and suggests that all things came into being by
chance, is Darwinism. Atheistic freemasonry is a satanic organization
that has also been around since the time of the Prophet Adam (as). And
this system of the antichrist uses satan's worst snare to deceive
people. The system of the antichrist, atheistic freemasonry, that
takes nature and blind chance as its god, is a heretical religion that
actually serves satan alone.
Madame Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder ofthe New Age movement and a
32nddegree mason from the French Grand Orient Lodge, saysthis on the
... It is satan who is the god of our planet and the only
god...[Surely Allah is beyond that.]1
The Masonic writer Eliphas Levi openly statesthat their leader is
Baphomet, in other words, satan. One interesting passage fromEliphas
Levi reads:
… The intellectual Lucifer(satan)… is the Holy Spirit, while the
physicalLucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.2
Albert Pike's book Moralsand Dogma is still recommended to members of
the Scottish Rite in the USA, and he is described as the Plato of
atheistic freemasonry byeminent atheist masons. Pike, a 33rd degree
Mason, says in Morals and Dogma:
LUCIFER (satan), the light-bearer!... The Spiritof Darkness...
Petrovna Blavatsky summarizes the concept thus:
Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the 'HolyGhost' and 'Satan'...3
David Spangler, a mason and leading philosopherof the New Age
movement, sets out his views on the subject as follows:
Lucifer (satan) comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we
accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the Luciferic
initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead,
will be facing, for it is an initiation intothe New Age.4
Atheist masons clearly act under satan's controland obey his
commands.The most important symbol in this secretive cult, the
"all-seeing eye,"is depicted as the "eye ofLucifer."5This and all
other atheist masonic symbols are designed forthe same purpose. The
upside down star is known as Baphomet (satan in the form of a goat), a
symbol of satan. The inverted pentagram in witchcraft is employed for
one end alone, to call up the power of satan!6Therefore, all Masonic
symbols in fact symbolize the belief underlying atheistic freemasonry,
in other words, the worship of satan.
The writer John Daniels makes this comment about the intellectual
father of the Luciferian doctrinethat we have already described in
detail, the 33rd degree Mason Albert Pike, and his satanic doctrine:
Albert Pike taught his "Luciferian Doctrine" to many masons. However,
Bismarck and Mazzini were two of his most ardent students who
practiced the Luciferian Doctrine at the highest levels of
Freemasonry. The trio planned to use freemasonry to trigger two World
Wars, after which "the world would be ready to worship Lucifer as God.
(Surely Allah is beyond that.)7
One of the greatest examples of atheist masons' links with satan is
the British 33rd degree Mason Aleistair Crowley. A satanist, Crowley
was also grand master of the Ordo Templi Orentis (O.T.O.). Crowley's
mother said that her son was the manifestation of the Beast referred
to in the Revelation. Known as "the wickedest man alive," Crowley was
responsible for the barbaric deaths of many people who became involved
with him during the course of masonic rituals. It is alleged that
Crowley sacrificed 150 young men to satan.8
The following verses by the 33rd degree Mason Crowley clearly reveal
the satanic reality underlying freemasonry:
I bind my blood in satan's hands,
All this that lieth betwixt my hands
To thee, the Beast, and thy control,
I pledge me; body, mind,and soul.9
I swear to work my Work abhorred,
Careless of all but one reward,
The pleasure of the devilour lord.10
Atheistic freemasonry's efforts to produce a system of the antichrist
that eliminates belief in Allah and replaces it with satan's commands
was identified and described by Christians of the time. Pope Leo
XIII's famous 1884 encyclical Humanum Genus contained significant
analyses of atheistic freemasonry and its activities. The Pope wrote:
At this period, however, the partisans of evil seems to e combining
together, and to be struggling with united vehemence, led on or
assisted by that strongly organized and widespread association called
the freemasons. No longer making any secret of their purposes, they
are now rising up against God Himself… (Surely Allah is beyond this)
Their (masons) ultimate purpose forces itself intoview – namely the
utter overthrow of that wholereligious and political order of the
world which the Christian teaching has produced, and the substitution
of anew state of things in accordance with their ideas, of which the
foundations and laws shall be drawn from mere naturalism.11
This fact set out by the Pope has also often beenexpressed by senior
atheist masons: The "Rules of Assembly of theGrand Orient Lodge"
published in 1923 by Turkish atheist freemasons express this heretical
philosophy as follows:
We will no longer regard Allah as the purpose of life. We have created
a purpose. That purpose is mankind, not Allah.[Surely Allah is beyond
Albeit gradually, a singleand universal religion that can fully
satisfy consciousness is taking form...Parallel to this universal
religion, moral values will be founded in line with this world view...
Such a religion will unite human beings and the universe. This is
FREEMASONRY... We are unifying the religion that represents the
meaning of communion.12
As a requirement of the system of the antichrist, atheist masons never
make their presence felt.They never show their true faces and never
say that they take satan as their god and renounce belief in Allah.
Because ifthey did, they know thatall devout people would come out and
oppose them. For that reason, the antichrist described in the New
Testament and the hadith is a deception that will appear under a
religiousguise, despite denying Allah. The antichrist, the atheistic
freemasonry that currently representshis system, has appearedshowing
that same false appearance and seeks tohide the fact that it is a
religion that worships satan.
In order to achieve this aim, atheist masons are persisting with their
stratagems under various guises. For example, the World Council of
Churches and the National Council of Churches have masonic leaders.
Some of the former editors of Christian Science Monitor magazine are
masons.13There are also atheist masons among Muslim theologians. The
atheist masons who infiltrate such institutions seek ways ofachieving
their aims. Their aim is to turn people away from Allah, under a
religious guise, and to turn them into servants of satan, just like
It is satan who gives them these tasks. Master atheist masons are
people in direct contact with satan. A Master Mason will receive
instructions directly from satan at assembles of 200 or 300 people
andwill then begin listing the things that satan commanded him.
Satan'scommands generally involve bloodshed. Satanmay even sometimes
show himself to them directly. That is why atheist masons are so
utterly terrified of satan.Atheist masons describe these rituals in
their books and always obey satan's commands and act in the light of
his directives.
1 Madame Blavatsky (i.e., the Mother of the New Age movement)The
Secret Doctrine (1888), Vol. II, pg. 234
2 Eliphas Levi, Freemason of the Grand Orient of France, The Mysteries
of Magic, pg. 428
3 The Secret Doctrine (1888), Vol.II, p. 513
4 David Spangler, Director of United Nations Planetary Initiative,
Reflections on the Christ (1978), p. 45
5 John Daniel, Two Faces of Freemasonry, Day Publishing, 2007, p. 7
6 John Daniel, Two Faces of Freemasonry, Day Publishing, 2007, p. 44
7 John Daniel, Two Faces of Freemasonry, Day Publishing, 2007, p. 94
8 John Daniel, Two Faces of Freemasonry, Day Publishing, 2007, p. 95
9 Aleister Crowley,

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