Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ramalan Articles, - Ramadan: A School for Training the Soul

Ramadanis the month of piety and fasting. It helpsone control oneself
and make a commitment to piety. The verses about fasting in the
ChapterAl-Baqarahstart with)what means(:}O you whohave believed,
decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you
that you may become righteous{]Quran 2:183[. This is whyfasting
inRamadandisciplines and trains Muslims. It teaches them patience and
good morals and enables them to exercise these values, which last with
them for the rest of their lives. That is why many
PropheticHadeeths)narration( clarify the educational purposes of
fasting. Abu Hurayrahnarrated that the Messenger of
Allaah,,said:"Whoever does not give up false statements)i.e. telling
lies( and acting upon them, and intolerance, Allaah Is not in need of
his )fasting( leaving his food and drink."]Al-Bukhaari[.
It was also narrated on the authority of Abu Hurayrahthat the
Prophet,, said:"If any one of you is fasting, he should neither
indulge inobscene language, nor raise his voice; and if anyone reviles
him or tries to quarrel with him, he should say: I am fasting."
In addition, Ibn Mas'oodnarrated that the Prophet,, said:"Whoever
among you can marry, let him marry, because it helps him lower his
gaze and maintain his chastity, andwhoever is not able to marry, he
should fast, as fasting will be a shield for him )since it diminishes
his sexual desire(."]Al-Bukhaari andMuslim[
Thus, fasting is considered anexpiation according to
theHadeethnarrated on the authority of Huthayfahin which the Prophet,,
said:"The afflictions caused for man via his wife, money and neighbor
are expiated byhis prayers, fasting and charity."]Al-Bukhaari[
Allaah The Almighty has made a door to Paradise calledRayyaanfor those
who fast. Sahl ibn Sa'dnarrated that the Prophet,,said:"There is a
gate in Paradise called Rayyaan, and those who observe fasts will
enter through it on the Day of Judgment and no one except them will
enter through it. It will be said, 'Where are thosewho used to observe
fasts?' They will get up, and no one except them will enter through
it. After their entry, the gatewill be closed and nobody will enter
through it."]Al-Bukhaari and Muslim[
Another narration reads:"Paradise has eight gates, and one of them
iscalled Rayyaan through which no one will enter but those who
observe fasting."]Al-Bukhaari[
Fasting is a means of spiritual training for the Muslim in this world
which helps him to control and discipline his desires, as well as
elevatehis rank in the sight of Allaah The Almighty, and it opens a
door of Paradise for him, from which he can enter. Fasting is
obligatory inRamadanand permissiblein any other month. It is not
forbidden except on the two'Eedsand the dayof doubt )the last day
ofSha'baan( and it is disliked on the Days ofTashreeqand on Friday or
Saturday, when each day is fasted alone voluntarily.

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