Saturday, August 3, 2013

Ramalan Articles, - Change and Ramadan

"The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned, their
hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them, it
increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely."]Quran 8:2[
Have you ever read abouttheemaan)faith( of a fellow Muslim online or
in a magazine? Most likely the feeling you were left with was probably
a sense of wonder, and possibly bittersweet inspiration. Many Muslims
are blessedwith being able to relate how the light of Allaah, the
All-Powerful, is ever-present in their lives, or how they have found
peace in fulfilling the rites of Islam. These true-life stories are
heartwarming. But not every Muslim can speak from the same place. Some
may not have as tight a grip on their faithas they would like.
It is a cold, hard fact that life always intervenes to test our faith
to the limits. Some of us can bear hardships and resisttemptations.
Most of us can't. Often we feel disconnected from our Creator, as if
wandering in a dark abyss, unaware of just how precarious our
situation may be.
Butemaanis like a river of depleting ebbs and mighty flows, at times
receding into the distance, then raging back to bubble over its banks.
We all feel it. At moments of great joy or fear, most of us turn to
Allaah, praising Him, seeking help and mercy, and ouremaanskyrockets.
In others, when we're jostling in the mundane world pursuing our
earthly tasks, ouremaancan dip downward.
This is what Allaah is telling us when He All-Mighty Says )what
means(:"The believers are only those who, when Allaah is mentioned,
their hearts become fearful, and when His verses are recited to them,
it increases them in faith; and upon their Lord they rely - the ones
who establish prayer, and from what We have provided them, they
spend."]Quran 8:2-3[.Emaanrises and falls depending on what we do—for,
indeed, one's actions are a part of one'seeman, perhaps the best
indicator of its vigor.
The question is how seriously do we take this fluctuation to ensure we
are not drawn away from life's purpose by thewhispers of Satan. Do you
take precautions against this? Do you feel it vital to protect and
enhance youremaanon ongoing basis?
If you do, there is a real opportunity for you to light up your life
this Ramadan. And I know you know that. But the opportunity, to me, is
notin Ramadan itself, but liesinstead in being able to awaken yourself
to the fact that Allaah has created us innately amenable to change.
More specifically, this opportunity, or rather the challenge, is
whetherone succeeds in making his answer to these questions an
inspired move that allows him to overcome the murmurs of vanity and
doubts in his heart? Will he muster every bit of willpower to
courageously steer himself back in line with guidance he certainly
recognizes to be true? Or shall the darkness of his weakemaanenveil
him and cause him to stray far from its broad path.
Every Muslim who has fasted Ramadan and experienced its affirmingand
inspiring power and all it brings with it knowsthat seizing this
opportunity for change isactually the easier choice, for, indeed, it
leads to ease.
Here is the main reason why.
In this month, 14 centuries ago, the Quran was revealed to the Seal of
Allaah's Messengersto call all of mankind back to the One and Only
God, Allaah the Lord and Creator of all. Allaah Says what means:"The
month of Ramadan ]is that[ in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance
for thepeople..."]Quran 2:185[ and"O mankind, there has to come to you
instruction from your Lord and healing for what is in the breasts and
guidance and mercy for the believers."]Quran 10:57[
So, this means of change is mercy and guidance from Him. And the gates
to this mercy and guidance are open throughout the year but especially
so during the days and nights of Ramadan.
If youremaanis not where you want it to be, use this Ramadan as a
springboard to recommityour life to God. Start now and keep
youremaangoing all year round by arming yourselfwith`ilmand
`amal—knowledge and action.
If you believe this and truly seek to change, you will succeed.

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