Saturday, August 3, 2013


25 Ramadan Demolition of the Idol Al-'Uzza. After conquering Makkah,
the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, dispatched Khaalid ibn
Al-Waleed, may Allaah be pleased with him, to knock down the idol of
Al-'Uzza. It was a house inNakhlah that Quraysh, Kinaanah and Mudhar
would sanctify. Khaalid, may Allaah be pleased with him, demolished
thehouse and killed a priestess, called Al-'Uzza, who was serving the
house – 8 A.H. - Demolition of the Idol Suwaa'. The Prophet,
sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, sent 'Amr ibn Al-'Aas, may Allaah be
pleased with him, to demolish the idol Suwaa',which belonged to Banu
Huthayl ibn Ilyaas. He destroyed it and found its inner cabinet empty
– 8 A.H. - The Release of Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbalfrom Prison. This
took place during the Fitnah)tribulation( of "the Creation of the
Quran" that was promoted by the Caliph Al-Ma'moon, who forced people
to saythat the Quran was created. Some scholars remained steadfast on
the truth, including Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. After the death
ofAl-Ma'moon, the Caliph Al-Mu'tasim followed the same course and
torturedImaam Ahmad severely. On the 25th of Ramadan, he was released
from prison – 241 A.H. - The Death of the poet, man ofletters, and
linguist Abu Al-Fadhl Ahmad ibn Muhammad Al-Maydaani An-Naysaaboori.
He accompanied Imaam Al-Waahidi, the scholar ofTafseer, and learnt
from him. He wrote excellent books, such as Al-Amthaal, which has
never been equaled, and As-Saami fil-Asaami. He also heard Hadeeths
fromscholars – 518 A.H. - The Battle of 'Ayn Jaalut )Ain Jalut(.
After the Tartars' massive invasion of the Muslim lands and the
gruesome massacres theycarried out, Muslims managed to stop their
invasion after a battle launched between the two parties at 'Ain
Jalut)Spring of Goliath( located between Bisan and Nablus. The
Muslims' motto in this battle was,"Waa Islaamaah )O our Islam(," and
Muslims attained victory under the command of the great leader Qutuz –
658 A.H. - The Ottomans conquered Belgrade - 927 A.H.

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