Sunday, March 3, 2013

Domestic violence against women in the West – II

England - Severe, repeated and systematic violence occurs in at least
5 of every hundred marriagesin Britain;
Between 40 and 45% of murdered women are killed by their male partners;
Between 1 of every 2 women are murdered by their male partners everyweek;
more than 25% of all violent crime reported to the police is domestic
violence of men against women, making it the second most common
violent crime; (Domestic Violence - Action for Change, G. Hague & E.
Malos, 1993)
· 100,000 women peryear seek treatment in London for violent
injuries received in the home (Punching Judy, BBC1 TV programme, 1989)
· 30,000 women and children stay in refuges in the UK every year;
One quarter of all assaultsare in domestic circumstances (Domestic
Violence - Report of an Inter-Agency Working Party, 1992)
· Jean Louis stated that between one third to two thirds of
divorce cases are due to violence at homes, consuming intoxicants and
the low moral standards of men.
· In another report, 77% of husbands who beat their wives do
it for no reason. Additionally, the report quoted a woman, whose
husband has been beating her for three and a half years since they got
married, she said: "If I tell him complain about anythingafter he
beats me, he would resume hitting me, and thus I choose to remain
silent. He does not beat using one method, but rather uses many
different means of beating, like punching, kicking and hitting my head
against the wall; and he would not care if his kicks or munches fall
on sensitive areas of my body."
· Women organizations try to provide shelters, financial
assistance and psychological care for thevictims. Joan Jangler is one
such example for women who lead this type of campaign, and through the
past twelve years she helped thousands of people whowere abused at
their homes. She collected seventy thousand Poundsto run this project
and established the first center in Manchester in 1971, and then her
centers spread throughout England and reached one hundred and fifty
centers in total.
· Domestic violence accounts for almost a quarter (23%) of all
violent crime. The British Crime Survey: England and Wales. London:
HomeOffice, 2000.
· In 1999 37% of women homicide victims were killed by present
or former partners. This totals 92 women, - 1 every 3 days, or 2
womenper week. Criminal Statistics England & Wales1999. London: Home
Office, 1999.
· 1 in 5 young men think that abuse or violence against women
is acceptable. Zero Tolerance Charitable Trust. 1998.
· In France, almost two million women are subject to physical
abuse.The officials from the French police stated that this phenomenon
covers around 10% of the French families. The government announced
that they will run a campaign to educate people most of whom consider
this phenomenon a normal thing.
· Michele André, who is the secretariat for women's rights in
France:"Even animals are treatedbetter than women sometimes. If a man
hits a dog in the street then at one person would complain to an
animal right's organization, but when a man hits his wife in the
street, no one moves". She added in a press conference to French
press: "People must be made to understand that hitting isan act that
just will hold them accountable for. I would like for people to stop
thinking of this as a normal matter … the world admits of the
existence of the concept of a controller and a controlled, and
approves of it …this is a logic that must be stopped".
· "France Swar" newspaper quoted officials in the police
forces regarding such who said: "92.7% of beating cases amongst
spouses happen in cities while 60% of the calls appealing for help in
Paris were women whose husbands were abusing them"
· The secretariat for women's rights in France that there
different typesof abuse practiced against women, some
arepsychological, like threats and humiliation, and others are
physical, like hitting.
· An organization named "Rescue of women who are beaten"
noticed that the women who are received in theirorganization range
between 25 and 35 years of age, and the average they were mothers of
two children whose education level was law. In most case such ladies
were isolated from their families and neighbors. More than often,
matters like illness, addiction to intoxicants or unemployment made
the abuse practiced against them increase even more, but few dared to
expose their situation due to them fearing theirhusbands' revenge, or
due to the lack of courage.
· A twenty five year old lady, who tolerated two years of her
husband's beating, said when she was told to leave her house: "In
France we do not talk about our married lives, because we do not trust
his friends or anyone elseto the point that we disclose our personal
secrets to them"
· Alixder Douma, one of the French writers resembled women to
meat slices saying: "The more you beat them the thicker they get"
· In a major survey done of over 12,000 Canadian women in
1993, findings showed that one in four women reported experiencing
violence from a partner or ex-partner. The Violence Against Women
Survey. Ottawa: Ministry of Supply & Services, 1993.
· The results of a Canadian survey that included married
womenreflected that the capital experienced more intensive cases of
violence against wives than any other place. 36% of wives openly
declared that they were abused one way or another at least once since
they reached the age of sixteen. 81% of the abuse cases recorded by
the police departmentwere done by males, 9% of the abuse cases were
done by females, and 10% of the abuse cases were done by both malesand
females. More than half of these cases (53%) resulted due to one of
the two parties at least being under the influence of intoxicants.
New Zealand:
· According to an official survey to record the cases of
domestic violence which was conduct by the Suzan Snaifli and her team
reflected that almost three hundred thousand woman and children were
victims and domestic violence cases.
· Moreover, according to another survey done by social
services in New Zealand, it was agreed that the ratio of domestic
violence reach a rough percentage of 14%. According to other similar
studies and surveys in 1994, the ratio was 1 out of 10 or 1 to 4 based
the population. This means that the number of abused children were
129556 and the number of abused women were 172125, giving a total of
301681 abuse cases all together.
· In the year 1985 domestic violence was one of the factors
that contributed to the increase of divorce cases to reach 59% from
1500 divorce cases. 38% of these cases were working class women who
were forced to call in the police for severe cases of beating, while
13% of the middle class wives refrained from calling the police, in
addition to 4% of the wives from the upper class.
· According to one of the surveys in Germany, not less than
one hundred thousand women are being attacked and abused by their
husbands or boyfriends yearly, both physically and psychologically,
with the possibility that the actual figure jumps the six digit
· One of the surveys conduct attributed the high number of
abuse cases to long-term unemployment, debts, being an alcoholic and
extreme jealousy. One of the governmental institutes in Germany set a
program to offer aid through a charitable organization over a period
of two years as a solution to this phenomenon.
· Switzerland 1997 - 20% of a small sample of women report
being physically assaulted (From WHO's website).
These were some surveys and numbers reflecting the reality of the
situation of the western woman in the United States and Europe. These
countries are claiming to want to reform men by amending laws and
legislations worldwide.
The American and European man who commits such a huge number of abuse
cases against women, whether a wife, a daughter or a girlfriend, he
does so because the method of upbringing in their countries are
corrupt andastray and need major practical reformation.
Women in the Arabic andMuslim countries do not face even one tenth of
such humility, because men get their guidance from their religion
before the law, men are (in most cases) ashamed of committing such
crimes that these surveys address.
We are not claiming that our communities are freefrom any abnormal
cases,but such crimes remain within limited numbers that co not exceed
by anycase 5%.
The so called "Women freedom" program that istrying to enforce the
western values and criterions on the entire glob, is doing nothing but
attempting to place Muslim women in a low rank and make her a cheep
commodity for men to enjoy, use and abuse her by working during day
time, then physical abuse on her and her children at night.
We wish that true and authentic surveys could be conducted in our
Islamic countries to proveto the world that the Muslim woman who wears
a head veil and a face cover, as in some of our conservative
communities, gets honored and enjoys the care which the American and
western woman never dreams to get.
Note: Most of the statistical data collected are about Western
societies that are due to the availability of documentation on the
matter. We realize that crime is prevalent in all societies -- Eastern
and Western alike. The main thrust of our topic is that adopting the
Islamic solution is more fruitful than man-made solutions.
Note: Most of the statistical data collected are about Western
societies and that are due to the availability of documentation on the
matter. We realize that domestic violence is prevalent in all
societies -- Eastern and Western alike. The main thrust of our topic
is that adoptingthe Islamic solution is more fruitful than man-made

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