Sunday, March 3, 2013

Domestic violence against women in the West – I

Where does the western woman stand in scale of humanity and who represents her?
Are they represented by the artificial ladies of Hollywood who appear
on the TV screens, who are suppressed by the massive work load and by
When comparing two different cultures, can a real study be made in
order to compare between the realities of the two cultures, and thus
reach a practical answer (and not just an informative one) as to which
of the two is more honorable and civilized?
In a media that is controlled by corrupt people, women who adhere to
Hijaab are considered as a clear evidence for her humility,
backwardness degradation, ignorance… etc. On the other hand, trading
with women's bodies was never considered as such…!!
We are trying to claim that the situation of the Muslim or Arab woman
is in the highest level of perfection and development. Additionally,
we do not believe that the humongous stress she faces is due to her
being a female, but rather it is part of what men face, allof which
comes as a natural result of the nation being oppressed, tyrannized
and forced to follow other cultures.
When we address the situation and status of the western woman, we will
do it from an inside look and we will let thoseconcerned do the
talking,and let numbers and statistics inform about reality.
We will raise a real dialogue between two civilizations, not only a
methodological or ideological one, but a true comparison between the
two realities. The topic we chose to start with and address is;
"Domestic Violence Against Women In The West".
We must notice that such violence, which goes beyond human limits
anddimensions, is not exercised by illiterate people who live in the
countryside somewhere, nor in the poorest areas. Conversely, such
abuse is practiced by slick men like those who appear in Hollywood who
are in some cases well educatedhaving high social status. It is
exercised against weak women, regardless how fine they may appear to
be … after returning to their homes;they become nothing more than
slaves under the effect of lash of humility and violence.
We will limit our talk to domestic violence against women in the west,
and we will prove by numbers that the humiliated woman is not the one
who lives in Afghanistan and wears her face cover. We will illustrate
that such woman is not the one from the Arabian Peninsula, who is in
fact well protected and honored in a community that calls for her
respect. Real degrade and vulgarity is that which makes a woman cheap
merchandise just like anyother tradable good, andmade her subject to
attacks and all types of oppression and inequity.
The United States of America:
Violence, in all its shapes, has afflicted the weakest member of the
family, namely women and children. Things like, secrecy, no sufficient
evidence and legal and social barriers make it difficult to obtain
very accurate data regarding violence against women, which is,
according to social scholars, is the least type of crime that gets
Ironically, most of the available information regarding violence
against women is collected from small statistics done here and there,
which give a quickgeneral view for something as important as this
international phenomenon. Such information can not be used to provide
precise indicators to the level of violence and abuse practiced
against women, but it certainly clarifies that violence andabuse at
homes is a widespread phenomenon, and that the woman is the victim in
most cases.
· In 1980, a statistic was done by Appleton, which included
six hundred and twenty American ladies showed that 35% of them were
subject to physical husband abuse at least once. In 1981, Chtraws
expressed that husband abuse ranges between 50-60% in the United
States. On the other hand, in 1982, the percentage was estimated to be
21% by Russell, while Baglo estimated it to range between 25-30%.
· In 1984, based on her research, Walker pointed out that
American women are well experienced in physical abuse, and that 41% of
women experienced physical abuse by their mothers and 44% by their
fathers. 44% of them witnessed accidents of physical abuse by their
fathers on their mothers.
· Two thousand nine hundred and twenty eight people were
killed in 1985 by one of their family members, and if only consider
the case of women we see that two thirds of them were killed by their
husbands or boyfriends. Then again, in 1984, 20% of women were killed
by their husbands and 10% by their boyfriends.
· Statistics prove that three out of every four women were
subject to abuse; 9% of which was done by ex-husbands, 35% by
boyfriends and 32% by ex-boyfriends.
· Another statistic that studied the percentage of attackers
confirmed that ex-husbands or separated husbands committed 79% of the
attacks, while husbands committed 21% of the attacks.
· Statistics proved that the most common cause for physical
injury of women (and in some cases the only cause) wastheir
boyfriends. It was higher in number than injuries caused by car
accidents, robberies and rape all accumulated.
· According to a study, one out of every four women who seek
medical care by a family physician, report that they physically abused
bytheir boyfriends. 37% of such women reported that they hardly
overcame them being sexually abused in their childhood, and 29%
reported that they were sexually abused when they reached puberty.
Also, women who were subject to such abuse experienced depression more
than women who did not.
· Results of a questionnaire that was done on six thousand
American families showed that 50% of the men continuously abuse their
wives and children physically.
· Children who were subjected to physical abuse by their
fathers usually grow up to be violent people with their wives and
abusive of them three times more than other men who did not experience
abuse from their fathers in childhood. Additionally, children whose
fathers were very harsh and abusive are one thousand times more likely
to be abusive to their wives.
· More than three million kids are endangered by parents'
abuse per year.
· One million women per year suffer being the victim of abuse
by a family member that does not reach the extent of death; this
statistic is one of the most moderate ones.
· Four million American women a year experience life
threatening abuse by their boyfriends. Moreover, one out of every
three grown up women face physical abuse by their boyfriendsat least
· In 1993 five hundred and fifty seven men were arrested for
their abuse to women.
· In 1994, 21% of physical abuse cases against women were done
relatives, while only4% of the attack cases against men were done by
female relatives.
· 90-95% of the victims of domestic violence were women.
· Children who live inhomes were the husbandand wife attack
one another are subject to physical abuse fifteen hundred times more
thanother children.
· 40-60% of the men who ill-treat their wives physically abuse
their children.
· In one of the studies done, 27% of the murder cases inside
the same family were children.
· 90% of children who get killed before theage of ten were
killed as a result of a family dispute, and 56% of themwere younger
than two years of age.
· In 1994, two hundred and forty three thousand of those who
received medical care in the "Emergency Room" were treated for
injuries resulting from physical abuse done by a relative, and the
ratio of men to women in this number was 1:9.
· There are at least four million reports of violence against
women yearly, and around 20% of them happened in the house.
· In 1991, more than ninety women were killed weekly; nine out
ofevery ten were killed by a man.
· In around 30% of the family violence cases weapons were used.
· 95% of family violence cases were attacks by men on women.

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