Sunday, March 3, 2013

Methods of Westernizing women and its effects - I

The corruption of women is the corruption of the entire family and
society, owing to its profound effect on children and youth. What we
most significantly see today are well-designed schemes that have found
their way into schools and universities, and led to the Westernization
and secularization of women, and kept them away from their religion.
All forms of modern media have become weapons that destroy women and
lure them to vice, especially with the high degree ofcreativity and
influence it boasts, to the extent that it has become impossible to
resist their temptation. In most programs and advertisements, whether
on television and radio, or in newspapers and magazines, or, lately,
on the internet, they basically rely on a woman's appearance and
charming qualities.
Undoubtedly, the deviation of women has become a manifest phenomenon,
backed by the widespread effects that can be seen in the social,
cultural, economic and political aspects of life. In addition, it is a
[blatant] violation of the principles of sound religion and its moral
and faith-related teachings.
It is quite clear for the discerning observer that this trend is,
primarily, the result of the schemes of the colonizers and
secularists, which were set up to corrupt society and erase the
principles that it derives from its true religion and immortal
heritage. In this way, society has lost its ability to resist the
attack of Western colonization and has fallen prey to the West.
These schemes have solicited the aid of many false and flashy slogans
that take refuge in their [alleged] principle of achieving equality
between the genders, as well as liberating women from the restrictions
of religion and traditions.
To guarantee the success of this wily plot, they placed agents [among
us] like Murqus Fahmi, who wrote the book Al-Mar'ah fil Sharq (The
Woman in the East), wherein he beckoned women to shed the Hijaab and
mingle with men; he also attacked the rulingsof the Islamic Sharee'ah
that prohibit the marriage of a Muslimwoman to a non-Muslim man, and
called for a rebellion against these laws.
Moreover, in 1911, the Bint An-Neel Party was established in Egypt and
it called for the liberation of women from Hijaab and the divorce
process [in Islam]. Among the early leaders of this party were:
Durriyyah Shafeeq, Ameenah As-Sa'eed and others.
In 1923, Huda Shaarawi was invited to attend the meeting of the
International Women's Suffrage Alliance in Rome. Amongthe
recommendations of this conference were: modifying divorce laws to
stop the current trend [and introducing new laws to complicate the
procedure], preventing polygamy and acknowledging the woman's freedom
to mingle with men anduncover her face.
Similarly, Qaasim Ameen authored a book, Al-Mar'ah Al-Jadeedah,
wherein he called for blind imitation of the West, intellectually and
socially. This track was followed by Sa'eed 'Aql,Lewis 'Awadh, Lutfi
As-Sayyid, Najeeb Mahfooth and a number of members of Freemasonry, as
well as some poets, such as Saadiq Az-Zahaawi, Nizaar Qabbaani and
others. Matters worsened further when a national leader tore the
Niqaab (face veil) off of a Muslim girl in one of the largest squares
in Egypt and ordered his wife to burn the Hijaab in front of the
Owing to the Grace of Allaah The Almighty, He granted the Islamic
Ummah (nation), diligent scholars who utilized all their powers to
resist those [people's] schemes and refute the maliciousallegations,
thereby lessening their evil.
Effects that resulted from corrupting women:
First : General indications that show the profound consequences on
women and society:
1. [There is a noticeable] alienation from the religion due to
ignorance of its tolerant nature, its obligations, acts of Sunnah, its
just Sharee'ah and its noble morals.
Another result of corrupting the woman is her non-observance of acts
of worship such as prayers, fasting, Zakaah (obligatory alms), Hajj
and 'Umrah (major and minor pilgrimage), remembranceand praise of
Allaah The Almighty, as well as supplication to Him in general, and
for forgiveness; and, recitation and memorization of the Quran,
enjoining good and forbidding evil, and exhorting one another to truth
and patience.
Some women even rejected and rebelled against the teachings of the
religion and its acts of worship and rulings. They violated the Orders
of Allaah The Almighty, Who Says (what means): {And they were not
commanded except to worship Allaah, [being] sincere to Him in
religion, inclining to truth, and toestablish prayer and to give
Zakaah. And that is the correct religion.} [Quran 98:5]
2. Following the devil and one's desires: This has led women to become
immoral and corrupt, and they became subservient to the whims of the
soul that is a persistent enjoiner of evil. Allaah The Almighty Says
(what means):
„X {And who is more astray than one who follows his desire without
guidance from Allaah? Indeed, Allaah does not guide thewrongdoing
people.} [Quran 28:50]
„X {Then do not be soft in speech [to men], lest he in whose heart is
disease should covet, but speakwith appropriate speech. And abide in
your houses and do not display yourselves as [was] the display of the
former times of ignorance.}
[Quran 33: 32-33]
Such women have been mentioned in many Hadeeths of the Prophet some of
which are:
• Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri narrates that the Prophet said: "'Beware of the
greens of the dungy earth.' The Companions asked, 'What are thegreens
of the dungy earth, O Messenger of Allaah?' He replied, 'The pretty
woman who grows up in a bad environment.'" [Weak]
• The Prophet also said: "Any woman who wears perfume and passes by a
group of people so that they would smell her perfume is an
adulteress." [An-Nasaa'i]
• Further, he "cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men".
3. Women have begun neglectingreligious manners, such as wearing the
Hijaab, lowering the gaze and avoiding mingling with men, except
within the Sharee'ahlimits. They disregard the teachings of religion
that forbid them from going out while dressed indecently or wearing
jewelry, make-up or perfume in order to tempt men.
Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet said: "There are two types of
people in Hell: [one being] women who are dressed, yet appear to be
naked; who are inclined [to evil] and lure others [to it as well];
their heads are likethe humps of a camel. They will neither enter
Paradise nor smell its fragrance."
4. Wasting time in harmful matters: Time is life and certain women
squander their life enjoying various means of entertainment that bring
about the Wrath of Allaah The Almighty,such as watching lewd movies
and reading books, newspapers and novels that do not portray sound
morals and manners in their content. Furthermore, they attend
gatherings that are full of backbiting, talebearing, conspiracies
against virtue, driving wedges between people and many other sins.
5. Having bad companions: Shady friends have a great effect on
spreading corruption as they are similar to infectious diseases, which
spread by intermixing, particularly between men and women.
6. Being preoccupied with work and participation in social, economic
and political activities at the expense of her home and children:
Islam has permitted women to work in cases of necessity, but this
should not be the general rule. Also, when working, women should
observe the conditions imposed by the Sharee'ah, to protect themselves
from men and vice versa.

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