Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A personal belonging used by the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) 2000 years ago has been found

A report recently published in the press announced that a cup dating
back to the time of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), that is 2000 years ago,
was found during the researches in Jerusalem and the surrounding area.
There is a strong likelihood that the cup, on which the words "Lord, I
have returned," were written,is a personal item that was used by the
ProphetJesus (pbuh) 2000 years ago. The words, written in a script in
use at that time, shows that the cup is a personal belonging from the
Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) previous life:
"And on Jerusalem's Mount Zion, archaeologists recently discovered and deciphered a two-thousand-year-old cup with the phrase "Lord, I have returned" inscribed on its sides in acryptic code similar to one used in some of the Dead Sea Scrolls ." (Ker Than, "Dead Sea Scrolls Mystery Solved?",National Geographic Daily News, July 27, 2010;
As revealed by our Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace),
the Hijri 1400s are the time when, by the leave of Allah, the Prophet
Jesus (pbuh) will return to earth. As it has been understood from the
hadiths of our Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace) and
from the statements of Islamic scholars, he is already onearth and at
work now. Within the next 10-20 years, by the leave of Allah, all
mankind will overtly see his radiant face again.
At such a time, the finding of a personal item used by the Prophet Jesus
(pbuh) 2000 years ago, is highly significant. Basing on the hadiths and
on the works of major Islamic scholars, Mr. Adnan Oktar, had stated in
his previous statement that on his return the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will
be wearing the clothes he wore 2000 years ago and will have various
personal belongings with him:

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