Monday, February 11, 2013

The Nullifiers of Islamic Monotheism -I

In the Arabic language, Tawheed literally means"unification" (making
something one) or"asserting oneness", and it comes from the Arabic
verb (Wahhada) which itself means to unite, unify or consolidate.
However, when the term Tawheed is used in reference to Allaah, it
means the realizing and maintaining of Allaah's Unity in all of man's
actions which directly or indirectly relate to Him. Itis the belief
that Allaah is One, without partner in His Dominion and His actions
(Ruboobiyyah), One without similitude inHis Essence and
Attributes(Asmaa' Was-Sifaat), and One without rival in His Divinity
and in Worship (Uloohiyyah).
Tawheed (Islamic Monotheism) can be invalidated by some actions of the
heart, tongue or the body. Some scholars have counted these nullifiers
to be ninety, and some others up to four hundred, but the theme of all
of them is based on the following ten:
1- Shirk (polytheism):
Shirk can be simply defined as: "Associating others with Allaah in
worship". Allaah AlmightySays (what means): "Verily, Allaah forgives
not that partners should be set up with Him (in worship), but He
forgives except that (anything else) to whom He wills." [Quran 4:48]
The Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad said:"Avoid the seven destructing
sins." It was said (by the listeners),"What are they, O Messenger of
Allaah?" He replied by mentioningseven things, the first of which was:
"Associating anything with Allaah…" [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]
· Shirk can be committed regarding each category of Tawheed.
Thus, Shirk of Uloohiyyah is by praying to others, supplicating to
them, prostrating before them, slaughtering in their name, seeking
theirhelp in things which onlyAllaah Almighty can do, calling on them
or devoting any type of worship to other than Allaah.
A noteworthy point to highlight is that seeking people's help in
matters that are not exclusive to Allaah is permissible, suchas
seeking someone's help to carry something.
· Shirk of Ruboobiyyah is by ascribing, to any of the creation,
management orcontrol of the universe. For example: believing that
someone or something can create, resurrect, give sustenance, move the
clouds, bring down rain, move the wind, etc, of the things which only
Allaah Almighty can do .
· Shirk of Names is by calling someone by any of the Names of
Allaah, such as naming someone Allaah, Ar-Rahmaan (The Most Merciful)
or Al-Khaaliq (The Creator). Shirk of Attributes is to equate the
creation with The Creator in His Attributes, such as believing that a
certain person or Jinn knows thefuture, etc.
· Shirk of Love: This is another type of Shirk which means to
love a creation as you love Allaah, or even more so. Allaah Says in
the Quran (what means): "And of mankind are some who take [for
worship] others besides Allaah asrivals [to Him]. They love them as
they love Allaah. But those who believe, love Allaah more [than
anything else]." [Quran 2:165].
Ibn Taymiyyah said:"Whosoever loves a creation equal to his loveto
Allaah, is a Mushrik (polytheist) …"
The different types of love:
Firstly: loving for the sake of Allaah and loving whatAllaah and His
Messenger love. This is how a Muslim should be. Ibn Al-Qayyim said
about this type of love: "There are four types of love where one must
differentiate between…They are:
A: Loving Allaah only. Thisis not enough for surviving Allaah's
punishment and winningHis reward. Indeed, the polytheists, the
Christians, the Jews and others love the Creator (each according to
their definition).
B: Loving what Allaah loves. This leads one to enter Islam and depart
infidelity. The most beloved ones by Allaah are those who posses much
of this type of love.
C: Loving for the sake of Allaah. This is a requirement of loving what
Allaah loves.
D: Loving with Allaah. This is the Shirk of Love. Everyone who loves
something with the love of Allaah, not for the sakeof Allaah, then he
has associated a partner withHim.
Secondly: loving lawful things, such as food, clothes or drinks. This
love is normal.
Thirdly: sympathetic loving,such as loving your children or wife. This
love is normal.
Fourthly: loving others equal or more than the love of Allaah. This is
major Shirk."
2- Rendering mediators between one and Allaah to supplicate them,
request from them intercession or depend on them:
This constitutes apostasy as it is unanimously agreed upon by the
Muslim scholars : Many people who claim to be Muslims practice this
false action. They believe that one must take mediators between them
and Allaah to answer their calls, grant them their requests or remove
hardships off them. Allaah Says (what means): "Say [O, Muhammad to the
pagans] call upon those whom you assert [to be associategods] besides
Allaah; they possess not even an atom's weight either in the heavens
or on the earth, nor have they any share in either, nor there is for
Him any supporter from among them. Intercession with Him profits not
except for him whom He permits." [Quran 34:22-23]
Intermediation is of two kinds:
1. Intermediation informing on behalf of Allaah:
This is the duty of the Prophets may Allaah exalttheir mention because
noone has knowledge of what has come from Allaah except through the
Prophets who were sent by Allaah. Allaah Says(what means): "Allaah
chooses Messengers from angels and from men. Verily, Allaah is
All-Hearer, All-Seer." [Quran 22:75]
2. Intermediation requesting help, intercession, dependenceand
relief. This type consists of five sections:
- Waajib (Obligatory): Seeking help from Allaah alone at times of
hardship and trusting Him in every aspect of your life.
- Mustahabb (preferred): Invoking Allaah more frequently as this
increases one's sincerity to Him.
- Halaal (permissible): Seeking help from the creation or requesting
their intermediation to Allaah by supplicating Allaah to help or
relieve the person.
- Makrooh (disliked, but not forbidden): Asking people for favors
more often. Ibn Taymiyyah said: "Asking favors from the creation is
originally forbidden, but it was made legal for necessity and avoiding
requesting favors from others while depending on Allaah is better..."
- Muharram (forbidden): Ascribing mediators between Allaah and oneself
by supplicating tothem or seeking their help in things only Allaah can

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