Monday, February 11, 2013

The Nullifiers of Islamic Monotheism -II

3- Not agreeing that the atheists are disbelievers or doubting
theirdisbelief or believing that their religion is correct.
This nullifier consists, in turn, of three parts:
Firstly, whosoever does notagree that the atheists are disbelievers,
while Allaah announces in the Quran in many verses that they are
indeed infidels.
Allaah Says in the Quran (what means), "Indeed, they who disbelieved
among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists will be in the
fire of Hell, abiding eternally therein." [Quran 98:6]
Secondly, whosoever hesitates in the status of the infidels (i.e. he
is not sure they are disbelieversor not).
Thirdly, whosoever praises the faith of the infidels and believes that
their faith is correct and that they are on the right path;
This type is even worse than the first two. There are two points that
must be mentioned here:
1- By infidels here, we mean those about whosedisbelief there is no
doubt, like those who worship humans or any false gods other than
Allaah and those who claim to be Muslims, but who are ruled by the
majority of the Muslim scholars to be disbelievers, such as people who
believe that a prophet was sent after Prophet Muhammad salllallaahu
alayhi wa sallam, or deny the Day ofResurrection.
Ibn Taymiyyah said:"Whosoever doubts the disbelief of such groups
after having knowledge of what they say and knowing how Islam
classifies such people, is an infidel; just as having doubt in the
disbelief of the atheists." But for those about whose infidelity the
scholars dispute, such as the one who abandons the five daily prayers
without rejecting its obligation; this does not fall under this
2- In regards to praising the infidels, the Muslim must take great
care. If praising them concerns their faith, then this is considered
infidelity. Whereas praising their behavior (such as their courage or
their generosity) is permissible. One thing a Muslim must avoid,
whichis considered sinful, is to call an infidel "master" asthe
Messenger said: "When you call the hypocrite 'master' (or any title
that suggests honoring the addressedperson, like 'your highness, your
majesty', etc) you have made yourLord angry." [Al-Haakim]
4- Believing that the guidance of others is more perfect than the
Guidance (Sunnah) of the Prophet or believing that the judgment of
others is better thanhis judgment; such as those who prefer the
judgment of others over his ruling."
There are two issues in this nullifier. The first is that there is no
doubt that the guidance of Prophet Muhammad is more perfect than any
other since it is a Divine Revelation. Allaah Says in the Quran (what
means): "Nor does he (Muhammad) speakof (his own) desire. It is only a
revelation revealed." [Quran 53:3-4]. How could someone believe that
there is another guidance worthy of being followed, when the Prophet
himself used to say in the Friday sermon: "The best of speech is the
Book of Allaah, and the best of guidance is the guidance given by
Muhammad. And the most evil affairs are innovations; and every
innovation is misguidance." [Muslim]
The second issue is judging by laws other than what Allaah has
revealed. In the Quran, Allaah describes those judging by laws other
than His as disbelievers. He Says (what means), "And whosoever does
not judge by what Allaah has revealed, suchare the disbelievers."
[Quran 5:44]. (Also, see Quran 5:45 and Quran 5:47.) So, how would
someone abandon the laws prescribed by Allaah and replace them by
those made by human beings? This is -without doubt- a senseless and
illogical choice. And he who does this is a disbeliever in Allaah and
His Messenger . Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-'Uthaymeen said
regarding this issue: "Judging by laws other than those revealed by
Allaah can bedivided into two sections:
1. Attempting to replace what Allaah has revealed with man-made laws
or those of a Taaghoot (false deity). This is infidelity, because he
who does so attempts to place himself in the position of The Creator
by legislating for the people, when he, in fact, has no authority.
2. Keeping what Allaah has revealed intact and leaving its legislation
for leaders (rulers, presidents, kings, etc.) who judge by man-made
laws. From these there are three situations:
- A leader judging by laws that contradict whatAllaah has revealed,
believing that they are equal or better. This is considered
- A leader judging by man-made laws in order to harm the one whom he
has made the judgment against. In this case, the ruler is not an
infidel, but rather he is an oppressor, because hestill believes that
what Allaah has revealed is superior to all laws and knows that his
actions are disobedient.
- A leader avoiding judging by what Allaah has revealed in order to
expose some inner desires or to benefit himself or someone else. This
is a major sin".

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