Monday, February 11, 2013

He lives in a city where there are no other Muslims; how should he pray Jumu‘ah?.

I live in a city where there are no other Muslims and no Mosques.I
need to peform my friday Jumuah, unfortunately I am not knowledgeable
enough to peform the prayer myself, may I use a audiorecording to lead
me? Also may I use earphonessince I don't want to disturb those in the
next room and it blocks out distracting noises. I'm studying so that I
may peform my own prayers confidently, in the meantime may I use these
Praise be to Allah.
In order to establish Jumu'ah prayer it is sufficient for there to be
three men who are residents. Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on
him) said:
The most correct scholarly opinion is that the number that is
sufficient for Jumu'ah is three: an imam to deliver the khutbah, a
mu'adhdhin to give the call to prayer, and a worshipper to answer the
End quote from Majmoo'Fataawa wa Rasaa'il Ibn 'Uthaymeen, 13/831
Please see also the answer to question no. 7718
The Muslims who are resident in non-Muslim countries are obliged to
offer Jumu'ah if the conditions are met, in accordance with the
general meaning of the texts of the Qur'an and Sunnah which indicate
that it is an individual obligation upon the Muslims if the
conditionsstipulated in sharee'ah are met.
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa'imah, 8/186
It is not stipulated that Jumu'ah prayers should be held in a masjid
(mosque) or jaami' (main mosque), according to the majority of Hanafi,
Shaafa'i and Hanbali fuqaha'; the Maalikis hold a different view.
Please see the answer to question no. 153872
Based on that, if there are three Muslim permanent residents in the
city where you live, then you have to establish Jumu'ah prayer, even
if that is not in a mosque.
If there is no mosque in the city where you live or in a neighbouring
town from which the callto prayer can be heard and you are able to go
there, and there are no Muslims who could pray Jumu'ah with you, then
you are not obliged to pray Jumu'ah; rather youshould pray Zuhr when
the time for it begins; you should not pray following the radio
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:
I am on my own in Cyprus and I cannot find any Muslims with whom to
pray; there is no mosque but I can hear the adhaan from one of the
Arab countries on the radio, and I pray Jumu'ah following the
broadcast from one of the Arab countries. Is this prayer of mine
regarded as prayer in congregation?
He replied:
Undoubtedly Jumu'ah prayer is obligatory upon the Muslims, but you
should not pray following the radio broadcast; rather what isrequired
of you is to look for Muslims who could establish Jumu'ah prayer, and
you have to put some effort into doing that. If you are able to find a
congregation of Muslimsin any mosque, you should pray Jumu'ah with
them, even if they are only two and you are the third one, because the
correct opinion is that Jumu'ah prayer may be held with three people,
if they are settled and resident in a city and are not travellers. If
they are residents and are settled, then you should all pray Jumu'ah.
But if you are not able tofind anyone, then you should pray Zuhr, with
four rak'ahs, after the sun has passed the zenith and the time for the
prayer has begun; you should not pray Jumu'ah unless there aretwo or
more other people with you who are residents in the city. This is what
has been stated by the scholars.
End quote from Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb, 13/182-184
He was also asked (may Allah have mercy on him):
We live in a town where there is no mosque; are we obliged to go to a
mosque in the town thatis 2 km away in order to pray Jumu'ah? Is that
required of someone who finds it difficult to reach the mosque in
thattown because the route is mountainous and rugged? What is the
ruling on one who praysZuhr instead in his house?
He replied:
This matter is subject to further discussion. If the mosque is far
away and they cannot hear the callto prayer and it is difficult for
them to go to the mosque, then theyare not obliged to do that, but
they have to pray Zuhr in their places if they are not able to
establish Jumu'ah. If they are able to establishJumu'ah then they
should establish it in their town, and they have no need to go to the
other town. If they are three or more, then it is obligatory for them,
according to the most correct scholarly opinion, to establish Jumu'ah;
one of them should deliver a khutbah(sermon) to the others and lead
them in prayer;he may say in his khutbah whatever he can of words of
exhortation and reminder to those who are present, and he should
praise Allah and send blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace
of Allah be upon him), and he should recite the Shahaadatayn (twin
declaration of faith), and exhort and remind his brothers in whatever
ways he can. Then he should sit down,then stand up again and give the
second khutbah, reminding his brothers as he did in the first. Then he
should lead them in praying two rak'ahs in which he recites out loud,
as is well known, and they donot have to go to the distant mosque.
But if it is possible to go there with other brothers and increase
their numbers, and that does not entail any hardship for them, then
going to join their brothers and pray with them is preferable. But
they do not have to do that in the situation mentioned; they can
establish Jumu'ah in their own place and pray in their own place.
End quote from Fataawa Noor 'ala ad-Darb, 13/138-140
See also the answer the question no. 45611
To sum up: no one should pray following the radio broadcast; rather if
you can find someone with whom to pray Jumu'ah in the place where you
are staying, you should do so; if that is not possible,then pray Zuhr,
as you do every day, and you do not have to pray Jumu'ah in that case.
We ask Allah to help you to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.

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