Thursday, August 9, 2012

4a] Let Go of Grudges, for Your Own Sake

corrupted by sin, then the glory of Islam is that innocence canbe
yours again, with tawbah. We Muslims don't believe in original sin.
All human beings were created pure, on the fitrah.That is your
That's why 'A'isha reportedAllah's Messenger (may peace be upon him)
as having said: "None of you should say: 'My soul has become evil,'
but he should say: 'My soul has become remorseless.'"
In other words, your soul has not turned into an evil thing. It is not
totally lost. It is just at a point when it is not feeling remorse or
sorrow for its actions. But that can be changed! The soul can be
softened through prayer, dua', dikhr(remembrance of Allah), fasting,
reciting Quran, doing good to others, and other acts of worship,
untilyour soul once again feels remorse, and can return toa state of
purity. SubhanAllah!
Allah knew exactly what He was doing when He made you. If you don't
trust your own judgment, then trust Allah's.
Tonight, let go of your grudges and sleep with a clean heart. Tomorrow
theday is new, and life goes on. You have far to go and much to do.
Look ahead, with a sunrise in your eyes.

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