Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fast 7-Step Cure for Depression

Do a complete focused faston Mondays and Thursdays, and do the following:
1) Get up and read from the Quran in Arabic and English – "Inna fee
Khalqis samaawati wal Ard" (Surat Aali Imraan, 3:191-end) and crying.
2) Make a focused wudu' and pray Tahajjud, followed by:
3) a very light Suhoor (brown bread, olives and extra virgin olive oil
+ 2 table spoons full of cannedtuna or one egg) followed by:
4) a day of focused sunnahand Fard prayers.
5) Utilize throughout the day any of the Prophetic du'aas requesting ease like:
"Allahumma laa sahla illaa maa ja'altahu sahlaa, wa anta taj'alus
sa'ba in shi'ta sahlaa."
(O Allah, nothing is easy except what you make easy, and You can make
what is difficult easy if You wish)
As well as the other du'aasfor depression like: Allaahumma rahmataka
arjoo falaa takilnee ilaa nafsee tarfata 'ayn. wa aslih lee sha'nee
kullah. Laa ilaaha illaa Ant. (O Allah, it is Your mercy that I hope
for, so don't leave me in charge of myaffairs even for the blinking of
an eye. And rectify all of my affairs forme. Nothing has the right to
be worshipped except You). – See Hisnul Muslim – the Muslim Fortress –
for more.
6) Then break the fast with3 dates and a glass of water and pray Maghrib;
7) Have a light Iftaar followed by a focused Ishaa prayer.
The depression should begin to lift, if not go altogether from the
very first day of the Fast cure. Itwill work if you do it believing
with all your heart, strongly that this Prophetic formula WORKS and
the degree to which it does work depends on how seriously you take it
and apply it.

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