Friday, August 10, 2012

1a] Ramadan 2012, The 22th Day

:-> Another beauty that awakes beautiful feelings in the human soul
are sounds. Reason why the music has a very important place in every
era is the deep effect that makes in the human soul. The human soul
takes great enthusiasm, excitement and pleasure from beautiful human
voices, as well as a ripple of flowing water.
Beautiful morality gives the most pleasure to human spirit. Morals of
the Qur'an is the synthesisof all of the beautiful features which
Allah informs that He is pleasedwith. These lofty morals include such
things as sacrifice, being considerate, ccompassion, loyalty, honesty,
justice, loving, beautiful candor, docility, peace, brotherhood,
tolerance, and understanding.
For example, people love and respect a person who gives his or her
meal to poor people although he is himself in need. Similarly honesty
is one ofthe occasions that directs the spirit to positive feelings.
Because people feel love and intimacy for the people who are honest
and have beautifulmorals. Allah created the human soul to have love
and affection for beautifulmorals.
Single responsibility of a person for all of the beauties that Allah
gives him as appealing to the human spirit is properly giving thanks
to Allah andto live a life which Allah ispleased with. The beautiful
results which believers take on the day of judgement and the
punishment which unbelievers will face is informed in a verse as:
What is the Garden promised to those who guard against evil like? It
has rivers flowing under it and its foodstuffs and cool shade never
fail. That is the final fate of those who guard against evil. But the
final fate of the disbelievers is the Fire." (Surat ar-Rad, 35)
The Myth of the Evolution of Fish with Lungs
Evolutionists resort to evolutionist tales regarding fish with lungs
and maintain that these fish were the first vertebrates to move from
water to dry land. However, the idea of the passage from water to dry
land and the role assumed to have been played in this scenario by fish
with lungs stem solely from blind devotionto the theory of
evolution.Evolutionists are unable to produce any concrete evidence to
support their claims. This can clearly be seen from Darwinist
writings. One sees tales about how fish supposedly developed lungs in
order to be able to make use of the oxygen in the air and howtheir
fins turned into feet to enable them to walk on land. But these people
are unable to produce anyfossil evidence for their claims. The reason
for thisis clear: such a passage is entirely imaginary and there is no
scientific evidence to support it.
On the contrary, the scientific evidence refutes these Darwinist
tales. The weakness of the evolutionary myths aboutfish with lungs is
a fact explicitly and frequently brought up even in evolutionist
Fish with lungs are able tobreathe air and to survive in dry periods
thanks to an astonishing metabolic arrangement and system. These fish,
which have to rise to the surface approximately every 20 minutes, bury
themselves inside a cocoon made of mud in dry seasons when the waters
retract and enter into a kind of summer sleep, known as aestivation.
This time, when their metabolisms slow down enormously, will last for
months, or sometimes even for years,until the rains begin again.
Some evolutionists claim that these creatures are left over from this
so called period, living transitional forms. According to this
entirely imaginary evolutionist fantasy, the fish in question were
imprisonedin very small bodies of water caused by a drought in the
Devonian Period, some 300 million years ago, and learned how to walk
from one pool to another. Some evolutionists regard thesefish as the
supposed ancestors of amphibians (and quadrupeds).
There are enormous difference, in terms of skeletons and organs,
between amphibians and the fish with lungs alleged to be their
ancestors. In a paper published in the Journal ofMolecular Evolution
the researchers C. Marshall and H. P. Schultz wrote that,
"Morphological analysis of the "living fossils," the coelacanth and
lungfish, has only lead to confusion regarding possible evolution of
tetrapods." (Marshall C. and Schultze HP. Journal of Molecular
Evolution 35 (2): 93-101, 1992.)
A paper in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society admitted the dilemma
facing the supposed evolutionary origins of fish with lungs –
portrayed as resting on very sure foundations:
"… the lungfishes, like every other major group of fishes that I know,
havetheir origins firmly based in nothing ." (Quoted in W. R. Bird,
The Origin of Species Revisited [Nashville: Regency, 1991;originally
published by Philosophical Library, 1987],
1:62-63) :->

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