Friday, August 10, 2012

1b] Ramadan 2012, The 22th Day

:-> Philosophical Library, 1987],
In his book " Evolution: A Theory in Crisis," the molecular biologist
Michael Denton wrote that evolutionists described fish with lungs as a
transitional form between fish and amphibians, but said that the
individual characteristics of fish withlungs "in no way represent a
realistic passage between the two." ("Evolution: A Theory in Crisis",
Michael Denton, Adler and Adler: Bethesda,Maryland, 3rd ed. 1986, p.
The fossil record also deals a heavy blow to evolutionist scenarios
regarding fish with lungs. These have remained unchanged for hundreds
of millions of years and fossils belonging to these creatures are
identical to specimens living today. Not a single fossil exists to
justify the claim that the lungs in this fish developed gradually.
This shows that fish with lungsare rather evidence against evolution,
not for it . It is clear in the light ofthe above facts that the idea
that fish with lungs represent an evolutionaryphase is simply a
What evolutionists are doing is to try to spread a scenario about fish
with lungs as if they were the scientific truth and to ignore the
objections to that scenario that can easily be found in the scientific
literature. This is a blind endeavor to spread Darwinist propaganda
with unscientific myths.
Like all living things, fish with lungs exhibited sublime complexities
far beyond the reach of even the most advanced technologies. And like
all living things they are proof of a flawless Creation. The idea that
fish one day moved from the water to dry land and developed lungs and
feet with the help of blind chance is a myth. The truth is that
Almighty Allah has perfectly createdthese animals.
The Slow Moving Fire That Will İlluminate the Necksof the Camels
Described in the Hadiths Refers to the Oil Wells in the Middle East
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's live talk on March 1st, 2012
Our Prophet (saas) says: "A fire will emerge, soon" "that will
illuminate the necks of the camels in Basra". Abu Ya'lâ and Imam Ahmed
relate the following hadith:" A fire will emerge from Habs al-Sayl."
Always the Middle East region, the oil-rich regions, "and will move
slowly, like the gait of a camel" very slowly, fairly slowly, because
a camel walks slowly but it is said, "fairly slowly", "it will move
fairly slowly." "a fire that illuminate the necks of the camels in
Basra from one of the valleys of Hejaz." This time there is mention
to Hejaz, Saudi Arabia, the oil-richest regions: Basra, Saudi Arabia.
The hadith already specifies the locations of the oil regions prior to
1400 years. The reported regions are all oil-rich regions. "The Day of
Reckoning will not come until a fire that will illuminate the necks
of the camels in Basra flows." "Fire flows." What is a flowing fire?
Oil, insha'Allah. Notice now what is related: "It has a neck like a
camel'sneck and it moves very slowly."Let us show that image.
Something related with oil; now this is an apparatus to drill oil
which is employed in every corner of the world.
It moves very slowly. Note that with its apparance, head and bodyit
resembles a camel. It steadily drills oil with dead slow, weighty
Our Prophet (saas) has provided a detailed description of the End
Times, certainly one of themost important periods inworld history. He
described the social, political and economic developments that will
take place, the natural events, people's appearances, their moral
values and the technological advances of the age. One of the reports
by Rasulullah (saas) regarding the End Times concerns the oil wells in
the Middle East:
Abu Ya'lâ and Imam Ahmed relate the following hadith: "A fire will
emerge from Habs-u Sayl (al-Huseyni) and will move slowly, like the
gait of a camel..."
The Musnad al-Firdawsrelates from Umar (r.a.): "The Day of Reckoning
will not come until a fire that will illuminate the necks of the
camels in Basra emerges from one of the valleys of Hejaz!" (Portents
of Doomsday, Muhammed b. Rasul al-Husaynî al-Barzanjî, p. 85)
The hadith refers to Hejaz and Basra, and speaks of afire that will
illuminate camels' necks and move very slowly
The mechanical arms of the drills used in oil wells look exactly like
the necksof camels, and one featureof these machines is that they move
very slowly and constantly produce oil.
We are all familiar with the flames that emerge from oil wells.
Those flames illuminate the machines in question, just as described in
the hadith.
In another hadith on the same subject our Prophet (saas) refers to
Hejaz and Basra: :->

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