Friday, August 10, 2012

1] Ramadan 2012, The 22th Day

Allah will say, 'This is the Day when the sincerity of the sincere
will benefit them. They will have Gardens with rivers flowing under
them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. Allah is
pleased with them and they are pleasedwith Him. That is the
GreatVictory.' (Surat al-Ma'ida, 119)
We asked: "(As for) Paradise, what is its foundation?" He [Prophet
Muhammad (saas)] said:"One brick of gold and onebrick of silver. Its
mortars are of musk of strong scent, its stones are pearls and
emeralds, and its soil is of saffron. Whoever enters it will be in
bliss and not in want, live in bliss and not die, their clothes will
not get old, and their youth will not end." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
In Surat al-Kahf, Almighty Allah says, "They will have Gardens of Eden
with rivers flowing under them." The golden rivers of the Garden of
Eden: Allah has caused human beings to have a great love of water.
One's heart melts when one sees water. One does not know why, it is
purely instinctive. It delights one to see water flowing, evenjust a
little from a fountain. Because we will love it in paradise,
insha'Allah. "They will be adorned in them with bracelets made of
gold,..." What is gold? A metal you wear on your arm. Allah has made
us love it. Women love gold. They love to be adorned in gold.Its
appearance is most attractive. People delight in seeing it. It is
lovely to see it on a woman. Why? They know it from paradise.
Instinctively. Gold would be just another metal if Allah did not make
us love it. You may as well wear iron or copper. But Allah makes
uslove it. It takes one's breath away to see it. People will also love
gold in paradise. Touching gold and looking at gold."and wear green
garments made of the finest silk and rich brocade,... " people also
like silk and bright fabrics. Hazrat Hassan and (pbuh) and Hazrat
Hussein (pbuh) always wore silk, masha'Allah. They delighted in it.
"reclining there on couches under canopies." (Surat al-Kahf, 31) They
recline on wide chairs or couches. (A9 TV, May7, 2012)
Beauties of the Paradise Which are Missed In The Life of This World
Allah created a sense for beauty in the souls of humans. However, this
disclosure and the development of aesthetic understanding is directly
related to faith and occasion of his mind won by his faith. Maturation
of a person's faith and his or her longing for paradise, increases the
pleasure one gets from the beauties by the will of Allah.
Allah has informed us about the beauty and the aesthetic understanding
ofthe environment in heaven which is promised to sincere believers in
the Qur'an. As the verses inform us, Almighty Allah equipped paradise
with blessings which the human soul is loves and is mostly affected
by. Allah created people in "beautiful appearance", in an instinct to
enjoy all kinds of beauty, aesthetics and art.
A believer takes great pleasure when he sees similar environments in
paradise as places in this world and gives thanks to Allah for these
The human spirit takes indescribable pleasure from the beauties of the
nature, numerous different types of flowers, unique view of green
leaves, and landscapes. Natural beauty and the greenery of lands are
the wonderful blessings of paradise. It is antoher beauty that it is
placed nearby the mansions and shadows, inside gardens and springs.
Here are someother characteristics of paradise from information in the
Paradise has a pleasant climate which is informed by another verse
"... neither burning sun nor bitter cold... " (Surat al-Insan, 13)
that never discomforts people. Heat that makes people sweat or
swelter doesn't belongs to there. Allah will place the believers "into
cool, refreshing shade." in the paradise. (Surat an-Nisa', 57)
"Refreshing shade" expression in this verse signs that all media and
conditions in paradise would be willed by peopleand would make people
comfortable and be prepared to comfort people, provide a real sense of
satisfaction for the human soul. Everything and every placein paradise
would be "after one's own heart" fora Muslim.
One of the natural beauties that Allah mostly gave news in the verses
related to paradise is the "outpouring water"(s) (Surat al-Waqi'a, 31)
Human spirit takes great pleasure from water, especially flowing
water. Alake, stream, waterfall or ariver falling through the forest
gives great pleasure to people. Images and sounds of flowing water
give peace and comfort to the human heart. Images and sounds of water
falling from high above gives pleasure to the soul. Aim of the
palaces, mansions or ponds which are made in the gardens ofthe
mansions, pools and fountains or the natural rivers all comes from
this aesthetic longing.:->

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