Monday, August 20, 2012

1a] Brotherhood in Islam

Thus, we can never find even a single person in this world who would
say that dispersion and disarray (of the society) are beneficial and
that unity and agreement areharmful and detrimental,since even the
smallest benefit that can come about through unity andagreement
returns back to the society.
It is through uniting small independent forces with one another that
under the shadow of such unity can great power and strength come about
which would be able to bring about numerous changes in the lives of
The huge dams of the world that manifest themselves as blocking large
bodies of water areactually joining smaller bodies (of water) together
since these small individual rivers donot have the ability to produce
electricity, nor can they be beneficial forthe irrigation of crops.
However, when all of these small rivers join to make one major body of
water, then at this time they are able to produce thousands of
kilowatts of electricity and it is through this one large river that
thousands of hectares of land can be irrigated. Where do all ofthese
great bounties come from? They come about through the unity of small
drops of water that were once weak and did not possess the ability to
do anything ontheir own.
The power of the atom isclear to everyone. A single atom does not have
the power or abilityto do anything and is so small and insignificant
that even the most powerful microscopes cannot see what it looks like.
However when innumerable atoms join together, they produce such power
and energy that if just a few atomic bombs were to be detonated, the
civilization and life of mankind on this Earth, as we know it, would
be brought to an end. In thespan of a few minutes, the entire surface
of the Earth would be a mass offire with piles of ashes lingering
In the words of a poet:
The goal of union and coalition,
Is to gather the powers.
Since when drops of water gather,
Then they form a (powerful) river.
Nothing comes about from a drop (individual),
However the river (unity)runs strong.
Any benefit that can be imagined,
Comes about from that river (of unity).
A fish can never be seen,
In one single drop of water.
How is it then from the river,
Whales can come about.
A loaf of bread can neverbe made ,
From a single head of wheat,
But when gathered together and thrashed,
It brings out all of its prosperity.
It is impossible for individuals - one by one,
To take on a great task.
However, from uniting together,
Anything that is desired can be accomplished.
Unity and conciliation can be seen,
In the way that the ants gather together.
In the words of the Shaikh,
Glory is strong, captive and temporary.
However when separation occurs,
To a community that is together.
They become just like the stories,
Of the Sufis, the Sayyid and the Mullah.
Not only must the physical strength of the people be made use of with
everyone working towards one common goal, rather we must also seek
assistance through the intelligence and aptitude of the members of
society. Through taking advice, working together and accepting the
opinions of others, we must remove the monstrous difficulties that are
facing us.
The Noble Qur'an considers asking advice and (through this), changing
one's opinion as one of the characteristics of a person with true
faith and has said :
وَالَّذِينَ اسْتَجٌابُوا لِرِبِّهِمْ وَ أَقٌامُوا الصَّلٌوةَ وَ
أَمْرُهُمْ شُورَى بَيْنَهُمْ وَ مِمٌّا رَزَقْنٌاهُمْ يُنْفِقُونَ
"And those people who respond to the call of their Lord and who (also)
uphold the Salat and proceed in their activities through consultation
with one another and give out in charity of that which We have granted
to them."[21][58]
The same point mentioned in the above verse of the Qur'an can also be
seen in the poempreviously quoted and also in the following twolines
of poetry:
If mine and your intelligence were enough,
Then why has Allah commanded us to consult (one another)?
بدين دليل ((يد اللٌّه مع الجماعة)) سرود
كه با جماعت، دستى قوی يدى طولـى است
We must resonate with the proof that : 'The Hand of Allah is with the
Since by being with the community, The strong hand has a longer reach.
What is the Basis and Source of Unity?
A majority of Sociologists state that :"The human being is a societal
animal and within his creation, he has been given a strong attraction
to living within a community." At this point, we must see that under
what factors and conditions does our societal life take form?
Some of today's Sociologists are of the firm belief that factors such
as : race, language, sharing a common history and country, blood-ties
and other elements make up the unity of nations. The society which is
brought about through these elements just mentionedis the same one
that the Legal Experts refer to as a Nation.....

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