Monday, August 20, 2012

Islamic Short Stories to increase Iman Allah Will Protect Me

Once Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was taking rest under a tree
when he was returning from an expedition and hung his sword from the
tree. A Non-Muslim person came quietly, took hold of the sword and,
addressing the Prophet said to him:"O Muhammad! now who will save you
from my hand?" The Prophet heard it, rose up from his seat and said:
"Allah will save me." Hearing the name of Allah, he was overawed and
the sword slipped from his hand. The Prophet rose up from his place,
took the sword into his hand and questioned him: "Now who will save
you from my hand?" He felt sorry and begged apology. The Prophet
forgave him. He was so impressed by this kindnessthat he embraced
Islam. He then went to his tribesmen and expressed that he never found
a manbetter than Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Source: "The Miracles of the Prophet" by Shaikh Ahmed S. Dehalvi; also
related in Bukhari and other sources with slight variations.
Related to the protection of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah has mentioned
in the Quran "OApostle! proclaim the message which has been sent to
you from your Lord. If you do not do it, you would not have fulfilled
and proclaimed this mission. And Allah willdefend you against men who
mean mischief. For Allah guides not those who reject faith." (Al
( Love for Muhammad PBUH is the basic teaching of Islam.)... Islam is
not terrorism nor backwordness, but Islam isteachings of
peace."Ashadunna La illaha illallahu Wa Ashadunna Muhammadan Wa
Rasuluhu." "I bear witness that there is no god, but Allah, and
Muhammad is His Last Messenger."

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