Monday, August 20, 2012

1] Brotherhood in Islam

The closest relationship and bond that can take place between two
people during the courseof their lifetime is that ofbrotherhood.
Although the relationship between a father and hischildren is much
stronger and powerful than the ties of brotherhood, however this
relationship (between a father and his child) is one in whichthe two
people are not on an equal level – from the point of view of time,
situation, characterand the level of respect (that they must show one
another), they are different.
The only relationship that is a complete manifestation of strong
unity, love and affection is the one that exists between two people
who are living on an equal plane in life and this is the relationship
ofbrotherhood and sisterhood.
This unbreakable relationship that has been brought about by creation
is constantly found in all environments and societies and is the
secret behind love, affection and closeness that exists between
individuals. It is because of this fact that the Qur'an invites
humanity to unite and come together under the principles of love and
affection and thus, has referred to the faithful believers of a
society as being brothers (and sisters) of one another.
For the first time in history, a community of people that numbered
hundreds of millions was brought together asbrothers of one another
and the following sentence was made theirslogan and motto :
إِنَّمٌا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ...
"Without doubt the believers are brothers of one another…"
You may ask yourself thisquestion that why has this circle of
relationship not been made wider and taken all of humanity into it as
brothers of one another, whereas (in this verse) the sphere of brothe
rhood is limited to only those who have true faith? The answer to
thisquestion is obvious and a cursory glance is sufficient for us to
understand the reason why this was not done.
This religious brotherhood is not a simple formality and that too of a
political nature such that all of humanity – whether or not they have
the qualities of brotherhood – should be classified and grouped
together asbrothers of one another. Rather, the purpose of making the
believers brothers of one another points to a series of noble societal
and ethical goals and responsibilities that takeshape within the
greatness of the Islamic brotherhood that the believers must manifest
to one another.
All of these responsibilities and goals have been mentioned in the
books of Ahadith and Jurisprudence in detail. Therefore, until unity
of thought and spirit towards one goal and belief is not established,
there can never be firm unity and association of individuals.
If one day, a group of people who are wavering (in belief) in their
hearts are seen uniting together under aseries of political issues and
trying to unite as brothers for a specific cause (other than that
ofreligion), then even the smallest thing would be able to break the
unity that was brought about through the mere agreement of thoughts,
spirits, difference of (personal benefits) and difference of
foundations, and would thus cause them to separate from one another.
A society whose axis or pivot is not based on (unity of) ideas and
beliefs and in which everyone acts as individuals will always rotate
upon various thoughts and ideologies opposed to one another and no
sort of unity or harmony will ever exist amongst those people. Only to
that level that unity and harmony protects their material interests
will they be able to lead a peaceful life. If one day a person who is
united with others sees that he is notin need of this form of unity
and feels that he has become successful inthe arena of his own life
and has reached his goals, then all of the relations that united
himwith others – which were all based on political motives – will be
turned into differences and disputes.
Never would a Muslim – one who has true faith in One Allah and the Day
of Judgement and who believes in the governance of justice and
equality and who deems it necessary to follow the noble moral traits
and the humanisticvirtues - be able to become the brother of an
atheist who does not believe in Allah (Glorifiedand Exalted is He) or
the Last Day and who feels that ethical teachings and traits are just
play-things and considers such teachingsas fables.
Unity under the Luminance of True Belief
If we have doubts and misgivings about every issue among the issues
within a society, or require that in order to acknowledge a specific
issue that we must carry out analysis and research and claim the need
to have proof (for these various issues), then we must not let these
(doubts and misgivings) creep into the discussion of unity and harmony
in the society.
Thus, :->

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