“Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” ( Quran 13:28 )
Monday, July 15, 2013
Dought & clear - He broke the fast at home before travelling, then he had intercourse with his wife; what doeshe have to do?
I was going to travel on a particular day, so I broke the fast in my house then I had intercourse with my wife. What do I have to do? Plea...
Dought & clear - Doing sports and exercise during the day in Ramadan
Is it permissible to do some sports training in Ramadan? I want to remain in good shape by running and lifting weights, but I heard that i...
Dought & clear - If a person misses ‘Isha’ prayer, can he pray Taraweeh with the imam, with the intention of praying ‘Isha’?
If a person misses 'Isha' prayer, it may be noted in the month of Ramadan in particular – as you are well aware – that there are mo...
Persistent Determination:You are not inferior to anAnt - Never Give Up(Perseverance in Islam)
Tamerlane! Amir Timur was a great Mongolian King and great great grandfather of Babur, the founder of the Mughal Dynastyin India. He was o...
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