Monday, July 15, 2013

Dought & clear - Doing sports and exercise during the day in Ramadan

Is it permissible to do some sports training in Ramadan? I want to
remain in good shape by running and lifting weights, but I heard that
it is not permissible to do this kind of exercise during the day in
Ramadan, because that will affect the fast. Is that true?
Praise be to Allah.
The basic principle with regard to exercise or sports such as running,
swimming and the like isthat they are permissible; however, if they
are disallowed, thatis because of some othermatter that is connected
to them but in principle has nothing to do with fasting or not
fasting. But we may say:
If doing exercise or sports will lead to the fasting person
becomingweak and tired, and he will not be able to pray Taraweeh, then
they are makrooh because of what they lead to of missing out on one of
the virtuous acts of the month of Ramadan. If they will lead to
physicalweakness and the need to break the fast or carelessness with
regardto offering the prescribed prayers in congregation, then they
are haraam.
But if they will not lead to you failing to do obligatory duties or
missing out on some virtuous deeds, then they are not disallowed and
they are not makrooh, either when fasting or otherwise.
Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked:
During the nights of Ramadan, some of the youth play sports or do
exercise. What is your advice?
He replied:
We think that such activities are a waste of time and cause people to
miss out on highly rewarding acts of worship. This is not whatthe
Muslim youth should be doing with their lives;what they should be
doing in their lives is worshipping Allah, may He be exalted, and
striving to benefit the Muslims, either by walking about in the
marketplaces and speaking out against any evil they see, in a polite
and gentle manner, or by gatheringto read Qur'an.
As for wasting time with such matters, this leads to loss. Now in
reality their society has lost these youth if they are wasting all
their time in such pursuits.
If a person wants to have fun by playing permissible sports such as
football (soccer), but he does that in moderation, we do not see
anything wrong with that, because it is training and strengthening the
body, helping the mind to relax and dispelling boredom.
End quote fromLiqa' al-Baab al-Maftooh, 116/13
There follow some words of advice concerning that:
-They should avoid playing tough sports andintense exercise during the
day in Ramadan, especially in hot weather; hot weather will cause the
body to lose fluids, which may lead to dehydration.
-The best time for exercising in the month of Ramadan is just before
iftaar or two or three hours after iftaar; it is not recommended to
exercise immediately after iftaar because all the body's energy at
thattime is focused on digestion.
-It is better to play sports or exercise in places that are well
ventilated, away from pollution and crowded streets.
-It is better for the sports played or exercises done during the month
of Ramadan to be light and not intense, such as walking or simple
-The level of exercise should be moderate, so that it does not take up
all one's time; rather a specific time should be set aside for
In conclusion, it should be pointed out that doing exercise or playing
sport in general, and especially in Ramadan, should not distract one
from what ismore important than that of matters pertaining to this
world or the Hereafter.
And Allah knows best.

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