Monday, July 15, 2013

Dought & clear - If a person misses ‘Isha’ prayer, can he pray Taraweeh with the imam, with the intention of praying ‘Isha’?

If a person misses 'Isha' prayer, it may be noted in the month of
Ramadan in particular – as you are well aware – that there are more
than two jamaa'ahs in the same place and at the same time. This is
something that often happens at the time of 'Isha' and Taraweeh
prayer. For example, when the first jamaa'ah has finished 'Isha'
prayer, another jamaa'ah comes and they say the iqaamah (call
immediately preceding the prayer) and they begin to pray 'Isha'.
During this time, the first jamaa'ah get upand start to pray Taraweeh.
Is it permissible to have two jamaa'ahs at the same time and in the
same place? What is your advice – may Allah preserve you and bless
your work – to imams and those who come late to 'Isha' prayer? Is
itpermissible for me to pray with the imam having the intention of
'Isha' whilst he has the intention of Taraweeh?
Praise be to Allah.
The Muslim should hasten to do good deeds and compete with others in
doing acts of worship, and this is emphasised even more during the
month of Ramadan, in which the gates of Paradise are opened and the
gates of Hell are closed, the devils are chained up and a caller calls
out every night: O seeker of good, advance; O seeker of evil, go back.
Our advice to the one who misses some of the prayers without any
excuse, or misses them because of something haraam, such as those who
neglect the prayer in order to watch soap operas, is that they should
be keen to offer the prayers with the Muslims and they should hasten
to pray when they hear the adhaan (call to prayer). Ramadan is a month
of worship andmultiple reward; we ask Allah to protect us from the
evil of our own selves and to help us to obey and worship Him, for He
is the Most Munificent, Most Generous.
If some people have missed 'Isha' prayer with the regular imam, should
they pray 'Isha' in congregation (jamaa'ah), or should they join the
imam in Taraweeh prayer, with the intention of praying 'Isha'? That
depends on their situation:
If they came in straight after the prayer, and there is enough time
before Taraweeh to pray 'Isha', then in this caseit is better for them
to pray in jamaa'ah on their own, so as to avoid differing with those
scholars who donot allow a person to offer an obligatory prayer behind
(an imam) who is offeringa naafil prayer.
But if they came in whilst Taraweeh prayer was in progress, or the
imam started to pray Taraweeh shortly after 'Isha', and there is the
fear that if a second jamaa'ah prays, the two groups will disturb one
another, then in this case it is better to jointhe imam in Taraweeh,
with the intention of praying 'Isha'. Then when the imam says the
tasleem after two rak'ahs, they should stand up and complete the
prayer by themselves.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: We notice
that in some mosques, those who come after the end of 'Isha' prayer
and the beginning of Taraweeh offer a second ['Isha'] prayer, but by
doing so they disturb those who are praying Taraweeh. Is it better for
them to offer the prayer in jamaa'ah, or to join the imam in
Taraweehprayer, with the intention of 'Isha'? Is the ruling different
if it is one person or a group that comes in?
He replied: If those who come in are two or more, then it is better
for them to offer the prayer on their own – i.e., 'Isha' prayer – then
to join the people in Taraweeh. But if they join the imam with the
intention of praying 'Isha', then when the imam says the tasleem, each
of them gets up and completes the prayer by himself, there is nothing
wrong with that, because it was proven from Mu'aadh (may Allah be
pleased with him) that he used to pray the obligatory prayer of 'Isha'
with the Prophet(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), then he
would go backto his people and lead them in offering that prayer; for
him it was naafil but for them it was obligatory. But if only one
person comes in, then it is better for him to join the imam with the
intention of 'Isha', so that he will attain the virtue of praying in
jamaa'ah. Then when the imam says the tasleem following tworak'ahs, he
should complete 'Isha' by himself.
May Allah help us all tounderstand Islam properly.
End quote
And Allah knows best.

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