Saturday, November 2, 2013

Dought & clear, - He works as a nurse, which means that he may do some things thatare not acceptable according to sharee‘ah

What is the permissibility of being a male nurse in a non muslim
country? Im currently studying to become a nurse and I'm worried about
several things concerning this career. Often times we need to feed
patients ( maybe even female patients) food that may contain pork
other haram foodstuff. Sometimes the patients are olso served alcohol.
We may also need wash the (female) patients and change their clothes.
Also in this country this is a predominantly femele occupation. In my
current practical training there only one other male. Only two of the
patients are male. Also all of my teachers and majority of my
classmates are female. We may also have to bring them activity which
may include (religious) music and non-muslim religious activities. I
also have to have a practical training period concerning female health
and maternity care where the patients will be female. Also in elderly
care 2/3 of the patients are female. I don't think it is possible to
work in this field and uphold all the religious teachings strictly and
work in this field at the same time. What is the ruling on this
matter? Could reply swiftly to my guestion so I can change my field of
study if it is necessary.
Praise be to Allah.
The basic principle is that medical treatment of women should be done
by female doctors and nurses; if there are no female doctors or
nurses, it is permissible for them to be treated by a man, but that
should be in accordance with Islamic guidelines as mentioned in the
answer to question no. 127491
Free mixing between men and women is a great evil that leads to
serious negative consequences in both religious and worldly terms.
Similarly, work that involves serving pork and haraam drinks to people
is not permissible, because it comes under the heading of cooperating
in sin and transgression.
See the answer to question no. 3288
According to what the questioner mentioned in his question, this work
is haraam and is not permissible, for the following reasons:
1.haraam mixing between men and women in school and work
2.offering pork and haraam drinks to patients
3.uncovering of 'awrahs and touching them unnecessarily, as there are
women around who can do these tasks
4.taking part in activities that include singing, music and mixing
5.treating women and taking care of them when there are female nurses
who could do that.
What you must do is look for work that is appropriate for you, far
removed from things that are contrary to Islam, and choose the best
and the next best, according to what you can do.
And Allah knows best.

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