Thursday, October 10, 2013


If someone asks you how far away the TV set is when you are
watching the late-night news, you will most probably answer, "A few
feet." Yet, that answer is far from accurate. That is because the TV
set is not "a few feet" away from you at all, but is in the sensory
center in your brain. What you see is not the television out there
but an image formed in the visual center in your brain. The signal
reaching you by means of light from the external world is
transformed into electrical signals by your cells, and these signals
reaching the brain are perceived as an image.
This fact is a great miracle created by God. In a tiny space made up
of flesh, lipids and proteins, God creates a colorful, bright image
that gives a true sense of depth. This is an image of perfect
quality and sharpness that has no blurriness, darkness or shift.
Furthermore, in another tiny spot in that same brain, God creates
high-quality, multi- dimensional sound with no distortion that
accompanies this image perfectly and is totally synchronized with
It is a scientific fact that everyone actually lives in a small room
in his skull, in a tiny part of his brain. No one, no matter how
much he strives, can ever step out of that room in his brain. He can
never reach the original of the world that occurs in his brain.
This scientific fact is very important in the sense that it
indicates the glorious and unprecedented creation of God. From the
Prophet Adam on, God has created separate lives in the brains of all
the people that have ever appeared on Earth, showed colorful,
bright images providing a sense of distance in the brains of
billions of people and caused them to hear the loveliest songs, the
roaring of a waterfall, thunder or the buzzing of a bee. More
strikingly, God created all such perceptions with such delicate
harmony and perfection that the majority of these people never
realized that they actually heard the sounds or watched the images
in their brains. They always assumed that they saw the actual
things that existed in the outside world, talked to them or touched
Never forget this important truth:
We can never reach the original object. We can only experience what
we see in our brains.

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