Thursday, October 10, 2013


Who Is It That Watches A Bright World, Hears Birds Singing Or Smells A Rose?
Stimuli coming from the ears, eyes and nose reach the brain in the
form of electrical signals. Who is it in the brain that experiences
these electric signals as sound, smell and sensation? Inside the
brain there exists a consciousness that perceives all these without
having any need for eyes, ear or nose. To whom does this
consciousness belong? Darwinist-materialists, who believe that
nothing exists except matter, cannot answer these questions.
Never forget that it is in your power to destroy the basic claims of
Darwinist-materialist ideology.
The 21st century will be the century when all these facts will be
grasped and accepted.
There is one fact everyone knows: The senses of sight, sound, smell
and taste are perceived in the brain. That is, we experience the
outside world inside us. We spend our entire lives in that small
space in our brains. We watch the outside world on the television in
our brain. We smell the electrical signals entering our brains from
the external world in our sensory centers. We again perceive the
electrical signals entering our brains from the external world as
hardness. The electrical signals entering our brains are
transformed into sounds in the loudspeakers in our brains.
We experience all these sensations in that room of a few cubic
inches in our brains, and all through our lives we can never step out
of it. No individual, not someone traveling from one continent to
another, nor the first man who walked on the moon, nor a farmer who
has never left his village in his life can go anywhere outside the
small room in his brain. We see oceans, woods, the sky, the Sun, the
Moon, flowers and fruits, which do exist in the external world, in
this small room in our brain. We smell them there and hear the
sounds they produce in that room, without ever making direct
contact with their originals outside … Inside the brain there is a
consciousness perceiving all these sensations. However, that
conscious certainly does not belong to the nerve cells or lipids
making up the brain. This consciousness is the soul God creates.
Every individual who reads this obvious fact must ponder on God, the
Exalted, Who places the entire universe with all its colors in a
pitch-dark space of a few cubic inches in the brain, fear Him and
take refuge in Him.

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