Friday, October 18, 2013

Story, - Father of my unborn child

After my SSC exam,I wanted to have a boy friend...just 4 fun...but
there was none suitable.Suddenly one day a friend came to my house n
said that a boy(let his name be A.T)has a crush on me...A.T was my
friend's friend but I didn't know A.T though he knew me well.
That day I asked my friend to call A.T so that I can talk to
friend called A.T from her mobile n then I talked to A.T.I took A.T's
number then started to talk to him regularly.One day A.T proposed me n
I said yes.As I wanted a boy friend for fun so I accepted A.T.Our
relation was going on well.I knew some of A.T's friend and some of
them became my friends too.One day while I was talking to A.T,he told
me that one of his friends(my n A.T's mutual friend,let his name be
Z.S)Z.S has a crush on me.A.T told me not to talk to Z.S but I didn't
listen to A.T.I talked to Z.S n remained his friend.A.T knew this but
he didn't have any objection!!After a few months I broke up wid
A.T.coz I found out that he still loves his ex-girl friend.
I n Z.S were attending the same coaching class.From that time intimacy
was growing between us.We became good friends.Z.S n I ,sometimes,used
to go out together by bunking off class...Suddenly I started to feel
something 4 Z.S...I didn't know what that was...I always thought about
him,in class I stared at him.I didn't share my feelings wid
anybody.But soon I realized that um in love with Z.S.
One day Z.S proposed me but I didn't say yes instantly.Z.S was a play
boy n I knew this,so I didn't want to have an affair wid him as I was
afraid that he might break my heart but still I said yes...I don't
know why I was sooo afraid of losing him!
Our relation was going on well.At that time sometimes I felt vomitting
n I shared this with Z.S n out of fun he told me that um pregnant n
called me"Mother of his unborn child"n I also called him "Father of my
unborn child" calling each other in this way we used to crack
jokes out of this matter.After a few months,one day Z.S told me that
he didn't love me n he wanna break up.No sooner had he told me this
than tears rolled down my cheeks.Finally we broke up.
Today Z.S has another girl friend but um alone.I still love Z.S.I
really don't know whether he has remembered me or not...I am still
waiting for him

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