Monday, October 28, 2013

Islamic Calendar

In theHoly Quranwe read:
"They ask thee about the new moons. Say, These are means for measuring
time for people's affairs and for the Pilgrimage" (Holy Quran, Ch. 2
V. 190)
Islam has made use of both thelunar and solar systemof measuring
times. Where worship is to be performed in different parts of the day
the solar system of reckoning time is used as in thefive daily
Prayers(see Basics about Prayers) or for the beginning and breaking of
thefast, and where worship is to be completed within a particular
month or part thereof, the lunar system is used, as in the
determination of the month or part thereof, the lunar system is used,
as in the determination of the month of fasting or fixing the time
ofHajj(see Hajj Basics) or other festivals.
Tocalculate conversionsfrom one calendar year to the other the
following formula is used:
G = H - ( (3 * H) / 100 ) + 622
H = G + ( ( G - 622) / 32 ) - 622
Where G = Gregorian year (AD)
H = Hijra year (AH)
Thus 2000 AD is 1421 AH
Islamic calendar consists oftwelve lunar months. Each month may be
of29 or 30 daysdepending on the sighting of the new moon. An lunar
year has, on average,355days. This is 10 days less than the solar
year. Hence an Islamic year is moved ahead 10 days each year in solar
calendar year.
Following are the names of the Islamic months:
1.Muharram ul Haram
11.Dhul Qadah
12.Dhul Hijja
The Holy Quran states:
"The number of months with Allah has been twelve months by Allah's
ordinance since the day He created the heavens and the earth. Of these
four are known as sacred" (Holy Quran)
Muharram,Rajab,Dhul QadahandDhul Hijjaare considered to be sacred
months. Fighting during these sacred months is considered to be a sin.

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