Sunday, October 6, 2013

Hazrat Hassan (Pbuh)

Hazrat Hassan (pbuh), one of the People of the Book, was the
grandson of our Prophet (saas). He was the son of Hazrat Ali (pbuh)
and the Prophet's (saas) daughter Hazrat Fadime (pbuh) and was
born in Medina on the third year of the hegira. The Prophet
Muhammed (saas) read the call to prayer (adhan) into his ear and
gave him the name "Hassan."
Hazrat Hassan (saas) was one of the young people who swore allegiance
to Rasulullah (saas) while still a child. He was brought up with his
immaculate education. He is the subject of much praise from Rasulullah
(saas) in many hadiths.
When he was eight, he lost first his grandfather, the Prophet Muhammed
(saas), and then his mother, Hazrat Fatima (pbuh). He was then raised
by his father, Hazrat Ali (pbuh). Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) had an
attractive, white face, and resembled our Prophet (saas) more than
anyone else.
Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) was filled with the love of Allah, gentle,
dignified, peace-loving, compassionate, patient and virtuous. He spent
his possessions on Allah's path and gave away much in alms. Hazrat
Hassan (pbuh) went on the hajj, on foot, 25 times. He had 15 sons and
eight daughters. All his wives loved Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) very much.
Together with Hazrat Hussein (pbuh), Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) is one of
the two holy figures through whom the line of our Prophet (saas) has
come down to the present day.
Our Prophet's (saas) love and affection for Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)
Our Prophet (saas) loved Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) very much and treated
him with great affection. Several companions described how our prophet
(saas) loved his grandchildren and took an interest in and played with
Al-Barra (pbuh):"I saw the Prophet (saas) with Hassan on his
shoulder."(Imam Muhammed Bin Muhammed bin Suleyman er-Rudani, Great
Hadith Collection, Jam'ul-fawaid min Jami al-usul ve Majma az-Zawaid,
Vol. 5, İz Press, p. 13 )
ADNAN OKTAR: They traveled around on their grandfather's shoulders,
our Prophet (saas). One on the right shoulder, one on the left. Our
Prophet (saas) used to carry them round in the garden and such places,
or when going to the mosque. That was what they delighted in most,
clinging to their grandfather. They were both truly very cute,
masha'Allah. (11 June 2011)
Rasulullah (saas) loved Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) very much. He would joke
with him, place him on his lap, kiss him and allow him to play with
his blessed hair. Usama, son of Hazrat Zaid (pbuh) said this of our
Prophet (saas) :
"Rasulullah would put me on one knee and his grandson Hassan on the
other; then he would embrace us both and pray, "O Lord, have mercy on
them. Because I am most compassionate toward them."(Kutub- al-Sitte,
Translation and Commentary, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Canan, Vol. 2, Akçağ
Press, Ankara, p.508)
As a young child, Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) would come to our Prophet
(saas) when he was praying and climb on his back and neck as he
prostrated himself. Because of his love and compassion for Hazrat
Hassan (pbuh), Rasulullah (saas) would get up very slowly in order
that he should not fall off. Rasulullah (saas) would often call his
two grandsons, Hassan and Hussein, whom he described as "the two
pillars of the world," to him and embrace them to him.
Abû Ayyûb Ansârî (pbuh) relates: "One day, I came into the presence of
Rasulullah (saas). Hassan and Hussein were playing in front of him. 'O
Rasulullah, you must love them very much,' I said.""HOW COULD I NOT
SMELL!"he said. (Bukhari, Fedailiu's-Sahabe 22, Edeb 18; Tirmidhi,
Menakib 30)
"Whoever loses the sun must turn to the moon. If he loses that, he
must turn to the stars."When the people of Qiram asked for an
explanation of this hadith, Rasulullah (saas) said, "I AM THE SUN. THE
HASSAN AND HUSSEIN."(TamOSE İlmihâl Se'âdet-i Ebediyye sh-1011)
"Whoever loves Hassan and Hussein loves me, but whoever hates them
hates me. " (Ahmed b. Hanbel, Musnad, II, 288);
The caliphate of Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)
With the martyrdom of Hazrat Hassan's (pbuh) father, Hazrat Ali
(pbuh), he became caliph in 661 AD. Forty thousand people swore
allegiance to him. In the seventh month of his caliphate, as his and
Muawiyah's armies were making preparations for battle near Baghdad,
Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) relinquished the caliphate in favor of Muawiyah.
Because of this agreement in 661, that year was known as "Amu'l
Camaa," the year of unity, in the history of Islam. At the same time,
this also pointed to a miracle of our Prophet's (saas). Because when
Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) was very young, Rasulullah (saas) pointed to him
and said,"This son of mine is a Sayyid. Almighty Allah will reconcile
two sides through him."No Muslim blood was spilled due to Hazrat
Hassan's (pbuh) relinquishing the caliphate, and peace and tranquility
were established. In this way, Rasulullah's (saas) words about Hazrat
Hassan (pbuh) came true.
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is descended from the line of Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)
In the hadiths, our Prophet (saas) describes "distinctive and
distinguishing"features of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) so that Muslims can
recognize him. One of these is that"Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will be
descended from the line of Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)."
FROM THE LINE OF HASSAN."(Abu Dawud, Hazrat Mahdi, 1)
Tamman relates in his work the Fevaid, and Ibn Asaqir relates from
Abdullah b. Amr that he said : ONE WHO IS A CHILD OF HASSAN (HAZRAT
MAHDI) will appear from the East, and even if the mountains oppose him
he will overcome them and make paths for himself in the mountains.
(Ali Bin Hüsamettin al Muttaki, Hadiths from Jalaladdin Suyuti's
Classification – Portents of Hazrat Mahdi of the End Times, p. 22)
Rasulullah (saas) gave Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and Hazrat Hassan (pbuh)
the glad tidings of paradise
Hakim, Ibni Majah and Abu Naim related from Hazrat Enes; I heard
Rasulullah (saas) say: Seven people from among the sons of
Abdulmuttalip are the lords of paradise.Me, Hamza, Ali, Jaffar,
HASSAN, Hussein and HAZRAT MAHDI.(Ali Bin Hüsamettin al Muttaki,
Hadiths from Jalaladdin Suyuti's Classification – Portents of Hazrat
Mahdi of the End Times, Kahraman Press, p. 19)
What Hazrat Ali (pbuh) said about Hazrat Hassan (pbuh), Hazrat Hussein
(pbuh) and his own martyrdom
Hazrat Hassan (pbuh) was exposed to various forms of persecution
during the 10-year period of the Imams. He was not even safe in his
own home and he was eventually poisoned and martyred in the 50thyear
of the hegira.

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