Monday, October 14, 2013

Fathwa, - I find it difficult to forget about a brother who is already engaged, what should I do?

I find it difficult to forget about a brother who is already engaged,
what should I do?
Wa alaikum assalam,
There is a concept, which in Arabic is known as �istidraj� which
simply means something that is seen as good for a person is in reality
a source of misguidance. In the case you have described [f: details
omitted for privacy], it is possible that now that you want to
wholeheartedly improve yourself, that the Shaytan is attempting to
misguide you back into wrongful action by continuing your fascination
with this brother.
The right thing to do would be to continue to improve yourself through
any means possible, and to forget this other brother who is already
engaged. It is not an easy task, but there is a great deal of reward
in leaving something a person deems great purely for the sake of Allah
Most High. Insha Allah He Most High will help you through this time.
Until you are able to truly forget about this brother, you should
avoid seeing him if possible (i.e. don�t go anywhere he is known to
hang out at) and when he is present you should lower your gaze and not
look at him.
Make a great deal of supplication to Allah Most High, to only let you
do what is pleasing to Him, and to help you find a more suitable
brother. There are many good, pious brothers out there, it is only the
Shaytan who would like to make it seem like this brother may be the
best of them. Insha Allah may you find someone much better than this
person who will help you (as you help him) on the path to Allah.
If you have any further questions, you can contact me again. I know
this is a trying time and the advice I have given is easier said than
done, however it is what is best for you at this point in time given
that the brother is already engaged.

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