Monday, October 14, 2013

Fathwa, - I am in love with a Hindu girl who has a boyfriend

I am in love with a Hindu girl. She has a boyfriend with whom I am
pretty sure she has sexual relations. I have tried to forget her but
can't stop thinking about her. What can I do?
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May the peace and blessing of
Allah be showered upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions,
and those who follow them with sincerity.
First and foremost, turn to Allah. Only Allah can make you forget this
girl and heal the pain that you are feeling. I know it is difficult in
matters of the heart, but you need to be a little bit rational here.
Ask yourself why you love her. Is it for her character, her deen, or
her looks? She is Hindu. Have you thought about the ramifications for
your religion and your future if you were to pursue a relationship
with her? Would she make a suitable wife and raise Muslim children?
Also, there's the issue of virginity. Are you as a Muslim man willing
to deal with a woman that has a sexual history, especially when,
insha'Allah, you can find a woman that has remained chaste?
These are all issues that you need to consider. Insha'Allah, with much
prayer and striving toward Allah, it will be possible for you to find
someone much better. I know it is hard, but believe me, you can
recover and grow to love a Muslim woman who will make a much better
companion for you. Think about your future. And think about what type
of mother you would want for your own children.
If you have any contact with this girl, you need to cut that
immediately. Do not go to places or be with people that will remind
you of her. Try to focus on other things, your worship, your family,
your studies or work. If you focus on her, you will end up frustrated
and depressed.
Make salatul-hajah, a special prayer for needs and desires, and ask
Allah to send you someone better. Is it possible for you to talk to
your mother? She might be able to ease your heart. When you feel that
you are ready, ask your family and trusted friends to find a good
Muslim girl for you. There are many good sisters out there who need
good Muslim husbands.
Finally, pray to Allah to make your heart strong for the deen:
"Allahumma, ya muqallib al-qulub wa'l absar, thabbit qalbi ala
deenik." "O Allah, O Controller of the hearts and eyes, let my heart
hold fast onto your religion."
And Allah alone gives success.
And Allah knows best.

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