Thursday, August 1, 2013

Two strangers bridging barriers with the Quran

A colleague of mine named Farah* who is a medical doctor in Boston
recently sent me the following email:
I had a beautiful experience today at work. A lady who spoke very
little English was admitted, and she was very upset – she came over to
me and I said Salaam… Her eyes lit up, she took my hand and started
reciting Al Fatiha. We said it in unison and she smiled – "sister".
We then shared a couple of other surahs – she knows more in Arabic
than I do in English! Even though we couldn't have conversed in our
nationallanguages, we could communicate in a far more significant way,
by sharing our love for Allah.
In Boston at the moment it's a bit scary, but this lit up my day and
gave me hope that we will be alright in the end, inshaAllah.
My sister from the other side of the world held myhand and said Alhamdulillah.
Wa salaam

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