Saturday, August 10, 2013

Story - I am really confused! Please, ...

Everything started when Ileast expected and what happened was
something that I could never imagine happening to me!
I was at a company party!Dancing, laughing, alcohol and right now,
everything seems pretty fuzzy. I don't remember everything, but I
remember enough to have occasional images coming up in my ming that
are making me blush.
... Images full of passion and in which I strongly desire a certain
man. I am positive that if he were here and if it were to be the right
time, we wouldn't have possibly stopped by just with kissing or
I have been married for ayear and a half, but the man from that other
night was not my husband, but a colleague of mine. I can't stop
thinking about that! I am trying to figure out why it happened and I
keep getting to answers that are not giving me any peace!
I am assuming that everything is due to the fact that I have only
beenwith one man my entire life; my wonderful, lovingand serene
husband; the only man that I want to be the father of my children!
We have been together for 8 years and I am 25 years old. Maybe this is
the reason why; that I aminexperienced, I don't really know! All I
know is that I don't want to hurt him, but I can't be possibly be sure
that I would be able to refrain myself from doing anything...
I want to stop! But I can't!Everyday I spend a lot of time with my
colleague and I am getting more and more attracted to him! After what
happened, we "agreed" that what happened there the other night
willremain there. But every time I look at him, I get all those
passionate images in my head and I just can't stop myself...
I can see it in his eyes that he wants me too, I have no doubts about
that! I think it's a matter of time for what happened the other night
to happen again, but this time, without having the alcohol as the good
excuse that it is!
How do I make myself stop?
How do I make myself stop wanting him and how do I bring back the
passion in my relationship with my husband???
I don't want to continue falling asleep next to my husband and to keep
thinking about someone else!

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