Saturday, August 10, 2013

Fathwa - Black Magic, Bad Duas, and Marriage

i had a friend who wasinvolved in certain things i never believedlike
going to some lady for taweez and when she would come from that lady
she will burn them in a particular manner i was even hiding this from
my parents as she was staying at my home and did burnt some of them at
my home after my parentsgoing to sleep.she wasin love with some guy
who didn't had any relations with her once when i told her that she is
being stupid she got upset and yelled at me and said i was jealous
fromher boy friend whom i never even saw ever...we end up on these
basis ..well after six months when i got married i once chattedwith
her and told her about my supply in medicine which she answered that
"you deserved this and evenworst and its the start you will see you
will never be happy'i was like OK as i was least pushed and i believed
in my ALLAH i took it very easy ,but now after 3 years i again
received an e mail from her in which she had a bad dua may be its just
a coincidence but the moment i got my step 1 usmle result in which i
failed i recievd her 2 consecuctive mails that was kind of scary for
me ...after i got married so far i dont have child doc told me i have
severe endometriosis which is rare at my age ...and i am into bad
things like masturbation . i do pray quite regularlythough but soon
after it i feel the urge and meand my husband are sofar in financial
crisis whatever we want to do get ruined i still dont blame anything
but my luck but yesterday i was talkingto a friend and she toldme that
i can check about whats going on as there are educated scholars on
this site so am putting everything in front of you to tell me whats
this all about i am just worried about all the potentials she had
andshe was a really selfishgirl and she cursed me so i am scared she
used to bring some taweez for her mother which she was burning when
she wasat my home i am just scared and would like to know what she was
doing and what affectsit can cause and is my current situation related
to anything with her intentions what should i do...waiting for your
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Dear Sister,
I pray this message finds you in better health and iman.
Unfortunately, black magic is very real and it sounds as if this
person may have tried to perform some type of magic against you.
Alhamdulillah, there are ways to deal with this sort of thing. The
best thing you can do is seek Allah's protection from shaitan.
Ask Allah's forgiveness for your sins. Recite the Qur'an often,
especially the powerful Refuging Verses in the last two surahs. And be
constant in your remembrance of Allah.
Please refer to Shaykh Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari's article,
"Protection from Black Magic."
If this person is still harassing you, why don'tyou block her email
address? Don't let her think that she has any control over your life,
because she really doesn't. She can make allthe bad duas she wants;
only Allah Most High is in control of your affairs. Ask Allah to give
you the best of this world and the best of the hereafter and to save
you from thepunishment of the fire.
It really sounds like you're dealing with some jealousy issues here.
If that's the case, seek refuge in Allah fromthis person's envy and
move on with your life.
Don't think for a momentthat your endometriosis is related to this
person'sactions. Many women suffer from endometriosis, but
alhamdulillah, there are ways to cope with this condition and lead a
fulfilling life.
For more information on endometriosis, please visit
Finally, you mentioned a problem with masturbation. Since you are
married, you definitely want to look into this issue. Masturbation is
harmful, especially in a marriage, because it is the husband's duty to
satisfy his wife, and vice versa. If you feel that you are not being
sexually satisfied, then you need to discuss this with your husband in
an open, loving manner. Resortingto masturbation will onlycause you
more frustration in the long run.
Last but not least, please try to consult a local scholar for more assistance.
And Allah knows best.

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