Friday, August 2, 2013

Fathwa, - Umra Acceptance and Husband's Dua Against It

I went to umrah with my husband a few weeks ago, and subhanallah it
was such an amazing experience. A few daysbefore we arrived home me
and my husband had an argument, in the heat of the moment he said i
hope your umrah does not get accepted. i could not believe what he
said, he apologised straight away, and said he did not mean it, but my
fear is what if what he said gets accepted by Allah, what do i do. i
still haven't forgiven my husband as i am so hurt, it really felt as
if he divorced me. pleasehelp me by answering my question. salam
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
Dear Sister,
Assalamu alaikum,
I pray this finds you well.
Your husband's words have no effect. What matters is that you
performed your Umrah in accordance with the Sunna, following all the
proper manners entailedtherein. If your intentionwas for Allah Ta'ala,
thenyou should think well of Allah Most High and trust Him to reward
you for this act of devotion.
What your husband said was hurtful and it's goodthat he apologized.
You should move on, but perhaps consider why you had an argument at
such a time and what you can do in the future to prevent it from

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