Friday, August 2, 2013

Fathwa, - Pregnancy during Ramadan

am 6 weeks pregnant.This is my second pregnancy. The first one was
extremely difficult. What are the recommended dua during pregnancy
especially for things such as nausea and vomiting. The links under the
other pregnancy question donot work hence my question. W''salaamu
alaykum w.w
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Dear Sister,
Assaalamu alaikum,
I pray this message finds you in good health and spirits.
Generally, any heartfelt dua is appropriate. You also want to try to
read and listen to as much Qur'an as possible. Dhikr in the form of
glorification and praise of Allah and salutations upon the Messenger,
Allah bless him and give him peace, is very helpful.
You need to speak to your doctor to see what her recommendations are.
Make sure to drink plenty of water and try to incorporate vegetables
and fruit into your diet. These things will help to counter
dehydration. Ginger tea may be helpful in soothing an upset stomach,
but, again, you should check with your doctor.
Strive as much as possible to have a peaceful environment in the
house. Do not overburden yourself with housework and cooking. Enlist
the help of your husband and other family members.
Finally, I would advise eating frequent small meals throughout the
day, rather than three large meals since this might be easier on your
digestion. And don't feel bad about lying down when you have to. Rest
isthe important thing for you.
Here are some articles that might be helpful:
Pre-Birth Questions
I am a young woman who is suffering from a serious illness. Is there
something I should do, spiritually, or recite?
What is the famous dhikr against depression?
I pray that Allah Ta'ala blesses you with a healthy and joyful
pregnancy; a safe, smooth childbirth; and a happy, healthy baby.

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