Monday, August 5, 2013

Fathwa - Non-muslim half brothers

I reverted a year ago, alhumdulillah, but am not sure as to what is
appropriate with my non muslim family members. Do I have to wear hijab
in front of my half brothers (my father's sons from his previous
marraige)? What about my non muslim uncles??
In the Name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
Dear Sister,
I pray this message reaches you in strong iman and good spirits.
Congratulations for entering Islam!
You are not required to wear hijab in front of your non-Muslim
relatives provided that:
1. They are unmarriageable kin, such as your father, grandfather,
brothers, half-brothers, nephews, and uncles (by blood).
2. And they are morally upright.
However, you are required to observe hijab around cousins, whether
they're related to you through blood or marriage. And hijab is also a
requirement around uncles who are related by marriage, ie, the
husbands of your aunts.
And Allah knows best.

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