Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fathwa, - Christian man wants to convert for marriage

It has been a while that I'm seeing a Christian, and he wanted to
marry me and he said that he is willing to do whateverit takes which
means that he is ready to become a Muslim but the question is I'm
afraid to go into this relation ship because what if he converted and
didn't believe in it? Wouldn't it be wrong? By the way I'mmuhajaba.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah.
May Allah's peace and blessings shower upon our beloved Messenger.
Dear Sister,
I pray that this message finds you in good health and iman.
I advise you, woman to woman, to exercise the utmost caution in this
situation. Love often blinds us to certain realities. When a Muslim
woman becomes attracted to a non-Muslim man, she needs to ask herself
some questions.
1. Why do I love this person? How is he bringing me closer to myCreator?
2. If I weren't in the picture, would he still be interested in Islam?
3. Do I want to be married to a man whose sole interest in Islam is
because of me, rather than for Allah?
4. What happens if we marry and have children? Will he be able to
provide a good example of Muslim manhood, especially to my sons?
5. How will this affect myrelationship with my family, especially my parents?
6. How will I get along with non-Muslim in-laws? Will I be comfortable
in such a situation?
My advice to you is to stop seeing him in private, if that is indeed
the case. The only time you should see him is in the presence of your
father or wali (male guardian). Introduce himto practicing Muslim men.
This is the difficult part: you need to separate your emotions from
this situation and really thinkabout the consequences of such a
marriage. There is the possibility that he may become Muslim and never
practice. This has happened to many Muslim women, who often find
themselves wishing that they'd considered the long-term. Or, he may
end up being a very sincere Muslim. Only AllahMost High knows what is
in his heart.
What you must do is be the best example of a Muslima to him. Show him
by your character and conduct the right way to do things: the way that
is most pleasingto Allah.
Turn to Allah with your hopes and prayers. Make istikhara, the
guidance prayer. You can view the details at:
http://qa.sunnipath.com /issue_view.asp?HD=1& ID=1056&CATE=4.
Last, but certainly not least, please consult yourfamily. You
absolutely need to involve them in this process. I've witnessed the
heartbreak that can ensue when a Muslim woman picks a spouse
completely against the wishes of her family. Please consider your
family's feelings.

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