Sunday, August 4, 2013

Atheistic freemasonry-- The antichrist system -- Strives for setting believers at loggerheads by using the press

Atheistic freemasonry, the system of the antichrist, has gained
dominion over a fractionof the highly effective worldwide
press.Atheisticfreemasonry is able to affect the entire world by using
the aforementioned fractionof press, make provocation as it wills, and
direct the world as it wills.
This is the method of theantichrist. It was mentioned in the hadith
that the antichrist woulddeceive people by using instruments of press
When dajjal (the antichrist) emerges, he cries so loud that the people
of both East and West hear him. (Ibn Kathir, an-Nihaiah, 1:96)
The cry of the antichrist, which was mentioned inthe hadith refers to
TV and radio (Allah knows the truth). The antichrist reaches all
humanity via TV and radio, spreads its sly propaganda and deceives
A voice saying, "Dajjal (the antichrist) entered your houses and took
your children as prisoners" will be heard.(Muhyiddin ibn Arabi,
al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya (The Meccan Illuminations), I-XII (Cairo:
1392/1972), 2:168)
The system of the antichrist, that isatheisticfreemasonry, strives for
setting sincerebelievers at loggerheadsand raises strife and defeatism
between themby using instruments of press and media. A large section
of Muslims, Christians and Jews around the world have been in error by
getting deceived through the propaganda of atheist freemasons, thus an
artificial opposition is formed between them which is formed by the
antichrist. Some Jews consider Muslims dangerous, Christians are in an
intellectual disunity with the Jews and as a result of this artificial
strife, religious people are put into a position to attack each other.
By such an insidious game, the antichrist is setting Muslims,
Christians and Jews all around the world at loggerheads and makes them
oppresseach other. This system is preventing them to befriends and act
in unity. Members of three religions are defeated instead of getting
stronger by uniting in the true path. With this method the antichrist
tries to deter the devout people getting more devout, being in unity,
following the decrees of the religion and getting stronger.
And the system of the antichrist found the opportunity to strengthen
by using this strife. Through the clash between devout people and the
spread of the irreligion, the atheistic freemasonry gains strength and
can rule the world.
Bediuzzaman Said Nursi explained this deviant method of the antichrist
as follows deriving from a hadith:
According to a noble Hadith of the Prophet (saas), noxious and awesome
persons like Sufyan and the dajjal (the antichrist) will come to rule
over the godless at the end of time, and exploiting the greed, discord
and hatred amongst the Muslims and mankind, they will need only a
small force to reduce humanity to anarchy and the vast world of Islam
to slavery. (Twenty-second Letter)
Bediuzzaman informed that the antichrist will enslave the whole
humanity with a small force by benefiting fromthe artificially made
opposition between devout people by the antichrist and it will bring
them strife and oppression. Atheist freemasons bring about the spread
of oppressionand strife by setting the followers of Allah at
loggerheads. Thus, the atheist rule proceeds.
This antichrist system, byAllah's leave, will totally be eliminated
with the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the Prophet Jesus (as). What
believers should do is to pave the way for Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the
Prophet Jesus (as) during the End Times to eradicate the antichrist
system and to defeat thisdevious game. This will be possible with the
sincere Muslims, Christians and Jews being in unity and loving and to
praising the name of Allah altogether.

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