Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fathwa - Who should wife obey, her husband or her mother?

Respected Sholar, I wouldlike to get an answer for the below question
as soon as possible. I am a working lady and motherof two kids (health
condition not that good).All my earnings of these many years is given
to myhusband who take cares of us and love us but spend a lot on his
family. Now my mother is really upset with all these especially when
she sees me working with poor health with no savings for me and kids.
My mother insists me to request my husband to give me half the share
of his house which is under his name. But his parents,sisters
(frequently), brother, brother's wife and kids all stays in this home
that he don't want to keep the share in my name. Moreover, his family
is much concernedfor his money than us. Because of which my mother
insist me to do this. Please let me know what I should do? Either
Ishould listen to my mother which will make my husband angry or listen
to my husband which will make my mother curse me. I am scare of Allah
and don't want to make my god angry. Please suggest what I should do?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that
MuhammadisHis slave and Messenger.
First of all, may Allaah reward you for helping your husband and there
is no doubt that this strengthens the marital relations and love
between you and him.
If the mentioned house isthe property of your husband while you have
no share in it, then you have no right to ask your husband for
anything from this house and your mother has no right to order you to
do so.
If we presume that you have a share in it, then you are not obliged to
obey your mother as on one hand she has no benefit in this matter, and
on the other hand, you might be harmed by raising this issue with your
husband. Obedienceto parents is not an obligation in such matters. For
more benefiton the limits of obedience to parents, please refer to
Fatwa 131695.
Hence, we advise you to try to please your motherand to avoid her
anger asmuch as possible. In the future, it is better not to inform
your mother of your spending on your husband, and you may save some of
your moneyso that your mother will be comforted by you having some
Allaah Knows best.

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