Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fathwa - It is an obligation to break the oath that involves committing a sin

a/a my question is some days before due to some misuderstanding
between me and my any I took oath that I will not talk with her till
my death. and I broke my oath god will snach my favourite thing i,e my
papa from me. Now thesedays my ant is so ill and she say sorry for her
mistake . Now I want to go her home but my oathbounded me and I don't
want to lost my papa at any cost so please give me the solution how
can I solve my mistake.
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad,
is His Slave and Messenger.
You have to turn to Allaah The Almighty with repentance for what you
have done which is deserting your aunt without a Sharee'ah-acceptable
justification, then you have to talk to her, maintain ties with her
and remove all effects of that desertion. Then, you should pay the
expiation for your oath. That is because breaking an oath, if the oath
involves committing a sin, is an obligation. For more benefit, please
refer to Fataawa 81598and 123480.
As for what you have stated of losing your father, we hope that no
harm would affect him due to that supplication. Amongst the forms of
Kindness and Generosity of Allaah The Almighty to His slaves is that
He does not answer the supplications one makes against himself or his
family while he is angry. It was stated in TafseerAl-Baghawiand
others: "Zayd ibn Aslamsaid:Laghw (an inconsiderate oath) includes
one's supplication against himself saying: may Allaah make me blind if
I do not do such and such, and may Allaah make me lose my money if I
do not come to you tomorrow. Also one may say: He is a disbeliever if
he did such and such. All of that is Laghw and Allaah The Almighty
does not impose blame (upon His slaves) for it and if He were to
impose blame upon them for it, He would have hastened for them the
punishment." [End quote]
Allaah Knows best.

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