Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dought & clear - • Zakaah on monthly salaries and how is zakaah to be paid by one who is in debt?.

I keep my money in the bank, as my monthly salary is deposited
directly by my work, andI withdraw it to pay my expenses. I do not
know the amount for which one year has passed, so that I can pay
zakaah onit. I decided on the first on Ramadaan as the dayfor paying
zakaah, by working out how much is in my bank account, even if the
last payment of my monthly salary was deposited a few days before
I have two questions:
1 – Is what I am doing towork out my zakaah valid?
2 – I recently took a loan from my work to buy a house and I will be
paying it off in monthly installments deducted from my salary during
the coming year. Should I subtract the outstanding loan from the
calculation for zakaah, knowing that I have savings in my bank
account? For example, if I have savings of one hundred thousand riyals
in the bank when Ramadaan comes, and the outstanding loan that I owe
is seventy thousand riyals, what is the correct calculation?.
Praise be to Allaah.
It is not permissible to put money in riba-basedbanks unless that is
essential in order to protect it, so long as thatis without interest.
See the answers to questionsno. 23346, 22392and 49677.
If one full year has passed since you acquired the nisaab (minimum
threshold) then zakaah must be paid immediately, and it is not
permissible to delay it beyond that when one is able to pay. A person
does not have the choice of selecting a particular month for paying
zakaah on his wealth, rather that month should be after one year has
passed, unless he is paying it in advance in Ramadaan, before the year
has passed, in which case there is nothing wrong with it. But after
the year has passed, it is not permissible to delay it until Ramadaan.
See the answer to question no. 26716and 8400.
If you pay zakaah on all your wealth, even your monthly salary, this
is safer and is the easiest way of paying zakaah on what you have
saved of your salary.
See the answer to question no. 26113and 50801.
We have already explained that riba (usury) is haraam, and it is
haraam with regard tobuilding and buying houses. If that loan is
riba-based, then you must hasten to repent and get rid of it,
seekingthat which is with Allaahand fearing His punishment.
See the answer to question no. 45951, 21914, 22905
With regard to the zakaah of one who is in debt, the correct scholarly
view is that thedebt cannot be subtracted from the wealth on which
zakaah is due. In the example which you mention, you have to pay
zakaah on the full one hundred thousand, and you cannot subtract from
it the debt that you owe.
And Allaah knows best.

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