Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Dought & clear - • If some of the members of the congregation are praying outside the mosque and the power cuts out.

I came to the mosque late for 'Isha' prayer, and there was no room
inside the mosque, so we prayed outside the mosque. During the last
rak'ah the power cut out, and the sound of the microphone was cut off
from us and we could not hear the imam. What should we do in this
Praise be to Allaah.
If some of the members of the congregation were outside the mosque,
and they were unable to follow the imam because the power cut out,
then what is prescribed in this situation is for one of the
worshippers who are near the door of the mosque to say the takbeer out
loud so that those who are outside the mosque can hear and can follow
the imamin the prayer. If he does not do that then they have the
choice of eithercompleting the prayer individually or sending one of
their number forward to lead them in completing the prayer
incongregation. This is better, so that the worshippers will not be
confused and frustrated as a result of the imam's voice being cut off.
Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) was asked: A group of
people prayed Jumu'ah in the basementof the mosque, and during the
prayer the power cut out, and they could no longer hear theimam's
voice. One of them went forward and led them in the rest of the
prayer. What is the ruling on their prayer, knowing that he completed
the prayer as if it were Jumu'ah? Whatwould be the ruling if noone
went forward to lead them – should each person complete his prayer on
his own? If that is permissible, should they complete it as Zuhr or as
Jumu'ah, since they had listened to the khateeb and started to pray
with the imam and prayed one rak'ah with him?
He replied:
If the situation is as the questioner has described, then the prayer
of all of them is valid, because whoever catches up with a rak'ah of
Jumu'ah has caught up with Jumu'ah, as is stated in a saheeh hadeeth
from the Messenger of Allaah(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him). Even if no one went forward to lead them and each person prayed
the second rak'ah by himself, that is sufficient,just as the one who
joinsthe prayer late prays whatever he catches up with with the imam,
then he makes up the other rak'ah by himself, because of the general
meaning of the words ofthe Prophet(peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him): "Whoever catches up with a rak'ah of prayer has caught up
with the prayer." End quote fromMajmoo' Fataawa Ibn Baaz(12/331).
And Allaah knows best.

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