Tuesday, June 25, 2013


All construction stages of these buildings as well as their
currentstate are in the sight of God. Every deed engaged in by the
former dwellers of these buildings is kept "right now" in the sight of
God.As has already been clarified, in the sight of God, all events,
which have occurred on earth sofar, take place at a single moment.
What the Prophets Moses, Abraham (Ibrahim), Noah, Solomon, and
Muhammad, together with all the other prophets, went through is
experienced in the time we actually live in. Likewise, the experiences
of our grandsons, of their grandsons, as well as of all the people who
will live until the Judgement Day take place at one and the same
moment. Among these people those who believe are now in heaven, while
the disbelievers are in hell, suffering agonies.
What our Prophet went through, too, will remain in the sight of God
forever. These events are presented to our sensations as if they
happened 1400 years ago. However, the truth is, right at this moment,
our Prophet Muhammad is ascending to heaven, right now, he is taking
refuge in the cave with his friend. Again, this is the moment our
Prophet is communicating the message of God to disbelievers. Actually
these are not events, which occurred in the past. On the contrary,
they are incidents doomed to exist for all eternity. The reason why we
do not see, witness or experience these events is simply because they
are not present in our memory.
The same thing holds true for allthe events that took place and the
people who appeared on earth throughout history. Philosophers in
ancient Greece, those Sumerian people who cuneiform writing,
Cleopatra, the Egyptian Queen, artists of the renaissance period,
scientists of the 19th century, dictators of the 20th century andall
other people, even your grandfather, his grandgrandfather and you are,
in reality, living at the same moment.
None of these events disappear; they continue to exist without
changing. The Crusades, the great migration, World Wars I and II,
though seemingly distinct historical events, are actually events
happening right at this moment and they will continue to do so for all
eternity.Likewise, Egyptian, ancient Mexican, Greek and Anatolian
civilisations all existed at the same moment.
The rain, which watered the field of a man who earned his living as a
farmer in 1000 BC in Mesopotamia, and the very moment this farmer got
wet in this rain are also present in the sight of God. A spider which
wove a net in the branches of a willow in the Akkadian period
is,likewise, weaving this net just now. The same spider, in a corner
of this net, is also waitingfor its prey right at this moment.
Furthermore, the very same moment you try to visualise this spider in
your mind, it is laying its eggs, collecting them on its back, and
also taking care of them. Also, atthis very moment, the eggs are
cracking and its many offspring are hatching.
Nothing is left out or forgotten; the creation of God serves various
purposes. So, nothing disappears, vanishes or is wasted. That people
do not see, know or experience these various occurrences does not mean
that they are not happening right now. As God is unbounded by time,
everything has already taken place and finished in His sight. However,
being bound by time, the experiences of an individual appear to be
arranged in a seriesof events the order of which is apparently based
on the criterion of the past, the presentand the future. However, as
also mentioned earlier, "events not yet experienced" are not "yet
experienced" for us. Past, future and present are all the same to God.
That is why God knows everything. This fact is also stated in the
following verse:
"My son!" (said Luqman), "Even ifsomething weighs as little as a
mustard-seed and is inside a rock or anywhere else in the heavens or
earth, God will bring it out. God is All-Pervading, All-Aware." (Surah
Luqman: 16)

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