Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Moment by moment, every picture above shows an image of the vehicle
crossing the bridge. A person travelling by this vehicle supposes that
a particular period of time is spentin crossing the bridge. However,
we can see all of these pictures at a single moment.An example will
lead us to a better understanding of the fact that, in the sight of
God, every incident takes place in a single moment. Assume that you
have the picture of a big city spread infront of you. Streets,
vehicles, buildings lined up side by side and people are clearly seen
in this picture. Let's also imagine that there is a man trying to
reach the other end of this city. From the point of view of this man,
there is a certain distance to be crossed from one end of this city to
another in a definite time. It surely takes some time for this man to
reach his destination.It is unlikely that he can be present at two
distinct places at the same time. Yet, this is not the case for a
person like you who looks at this picture from the outside. At a first
glance, you can see all the details of the city in a single moment.
Moreover, you do not even need a specific time in which to do this.
This state outlined in the above example also holds true for people
like us confined to a specific dimension. For us, reaching a
destination becomes possible only with the passage of time and by
expending some energy. However, for God, the Creator of all
dimensions, it takes only a single moment for all events to occur.
The second important fact is thesimultaneity of these events. As
stated earlier, in the sight of God, it is not possible to talk about
the notion of time; everything takes place and ends in a single
The Prophet Adam is created from clay right at this moment, angels are
prostrating themselves before the Prophet Adam right now. Likewise, he
is now being sent to earth. Furthermore, the "moment" we are talking
about is the "moment" you are reading these lines.
Another example will further clarify this explanation. Let's think
about the Prophet Moses (Musa). The moment his mother decided to place
the baby Moses in a box and set him adrift on the water is still
present; that moment never disappeared and will continue to exist
forever. The moment the Prophet Moses went to Pharaoh (Fir'awn) and
conveyed the message of God to him still exists. In reality, just at
this moment, the Prophet Mosesis inviting Pharaoh to accept the
religion of truth. It is a fact that this is also the moment the
Prophet Moses is receiving the revelations of God in the sacred valley
of Tuwa. It is also this instant the Prophet Moses is running away
from Pharaoh with his people, and at this moment the Red sea opens a
way for the Prophet Moses and his people to walk across. For
alleternity, this moment when the sea opens will remain and exist in
God's memory.
The moment Mary became pregnant, the moment she gave birth to Prophet
Jesus ('Isa) under a date palm, the moment she returned to her people,
the moment the Prophet Jesus talked to them while he was stillin his
cradle, as well as the moment he asked the question "Who will be my
helpers to God?" to his disciples, and was resurrected by God, are all
happening right at this moment.Indeed, not only the past events we are
familiar with, but also the ones of which we have no idea because they
will happen inthe future are, in reality, happening just at this
moment. Every second the Prophet Jesus spent in this world, his
communication of the message of God to his disciples, his returnto the
earth, every speech he delivered to call people to the path of God,
his death and his resurrection on the Day of Judgement as well as the
moments he will be greeted by angels in his entrance to Heaven are
actually happening at this moment.
The same also holds true for someone who lived 3,000 years ago. A man
who sat under a treeat noontime in 3000 BC, reflecting on a ladybird
perched on his finger and who therefore glorified the creation of God,
is actually performing these actions right at this moment.Moreover,
the moment the ladybird returned to its nest,as well as all the phases
the ladybird went through, from themoment it was in its egg to its
death, are all kept in the memory of God. Consequently, all these
happen in a single moment, at the very moment you are reading this
Each incident, each moment in timelessness exists simultan eously
everywhere and will continue to exist for all eternity. None of the
moments, none of the events, none of the living beings which existed
in the past have disappeared, nor will they ever disappear. The
Prophet Noah is building the ark right at this moment. The flood at
the time of Noah, too, is making its impact right now; everything,
every moment related to the flood is taking place during the time you
read these lines. These are certainly not the incidents ofthe past.
The ongoing events, as well as the aforementioned incidents, all
happen at the same time, since each one of them is fated to remain in
the memory of God for all eternity.
All these examples indicate, once again, an important fact: None of
the moments, none of the events, none of the living beings which
existed in the past ceased to exist and they will never disappear. A
film we watch on television is recorded on a filmstrip and the moving
pictures composing the film are not lost, whether we watch them or
not. The same thing also holds true for each and everything which has
to do with life relating to the past or future.
It is essential that this point should be well grasped. None of these
occurrences are similar to a memory, reminiscence or an image. They
are all vivid, everything being preserved as it is, and are just like
the moment we experience right now. We perceive them as incidents of
the past simply because God does not present these perceptions to us.
However, whenever He wills, God may display these images to us, making
us believe that we truly experience them.

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[http://translate.google.com.my/m?sl=auto&tl=ta&hl=en ] -
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