Monday, June 24, 2013

Islam & the World - The Prophet always reminded not to discriminate between neighbors when giving gifts

Building a strong Muslimidentity and independence doesn't mean
disassociating from the society in general. Muslims are required to be
participative members of society, partaking in all activities with all
walks of life as long as activities do not contradict Islamic
Muslims need to be educated, demonstrate integrity and integration, as
per the Sunnah. Sometimes, by being part of a community at large,
Muslims are reminded ofthe favors of their Lord while living in the
temporary abode of the world. By following the Sunnah at all times,
Muslims are indirectly spreading the peaceful message of Islam and
representing their beloved Prophet Muhammad, which represents the
nucleus of Muslim identity.
In the advent of technology and social media, it is easy for Islam,
the Prophet and Muslims to become misrepresented, so Muslims need to
take extra care in portraying themselves in the correctlight,
according to what is set out in the Quran and the Sunnah. The Prophet
always reminded not to discriminate between neighbors when giving
gifts, even if the closest neighbor was a non-Muslim and to keep good
relations with non-Muslims at all times, even if they do not wish to
accept Islam.
The Quran also encourages Muslims to respond in kindness, even to
insults of a non-Muslim:
{Good deeds are not equal to the evil ones. Repel other's evil deeds
with your good deeds. You will see that he withwhom you had enmity,
will become your close friend.}(Fussilat 41: 34)
God reminds:{Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and
beautiful preaching; andargue with them in waysthat are best and most
gracious..}(An-Nahl 16: 125)
Islam is all encompassingand Muslims are reminded to build a strong
identity and independence at all times even when disputes arise.
Disputes between Muslims should be settled quickly and between Muslims
and non-Muslims, with kindness and in peace.
Muslim identity and independence was a telling sign of the first
Islamic civilization seen in Madinah. Over the decades, Islam still
thrives, but sometimes loses its strengths in the modern world, with
fewer Muslims able to stand together, united and strong.
Returning to the Quran and the Sunnah is the first step to re-enacting
such identity and independence, translating into thriving Muslim
communities across the globe.

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