Monday, June 24, 2013

Islam & the World - "No Muslim is a believer until he wishes the samefor his brother as he wishes for himself." Prophet Muhammad

The mosque should also be a place for celebration and socialization.
As per the celebrations inAl-Masjid Al-Nabawi- such as the wedding
between Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima daughter of Prophet Muhammad.
Mosques today should look into celebrating weddings in their own
The mosque is also a place for entertainment. Aisha relays:
"The Messenger of Allah once covered me while Iwas watching the
Abyssinians playing withthe spears in the Masjid." (Al-Bukhari and
The companions would also convene to read poetry, a past time that was
much loved even before the advent of Islam. They practiced their
oratory skills in front of the Prophet, andhe would sit and observe,
and sometimes share a smile with them.
Capitalize on Individual Strengths
No man is an island, and neither is any Muslim. Muslims need each
otherand need to learn to capitalize on individual strengths. The
fabric of the Muslim community comprises of unique anddistinctive
individuals with unique skills and interests. Prophet Muhammad advised
to do whatever you wishedto do as long as you did not feel embarrassed
by it. Muslims are allowed to indulge in any field ofinterest of
expertise as long as the particularly field was not consideredas
"forbidden" in the Quran and Sunnah.
A thriving community is actually one that is self-sustainable – one
that can survive without heavy-duty reliance on others. If every
Muslim is able to hone into his/herstrengths and give back to his/her
society, there would be far better cohesiveness in building Muslim
identity and independence. This would also ensure a closer practice
tofiqh, for example in procuringlawful food, having Muslim women
support mothers during birth, and a robust education system that
revolves strongly around Islamic principles.
Helping each other and working together also fuels the love for the
brotherhood. Prophet Muhammad said:
"No Muslim is a believer until he wishes the samefor his brother as he
wishes for himself." (Al-Bukhari)
The fabric between theAnsarandMuhajireenwas also bound by the
unconditional trust between strangers who were striving to please God
alone. God commands for Muslims to stick together and move as one.
This is to ensure the best of companionship for each other, as it is
in human nature to follow the religion of friends.
Creating a self-sufficient community allows new opportunities to arise
through partnerships and joint projects. This can be molded on the
need to provide constantda'wahto non-Muslims and to build strong
relationships with those who are curious about Islam.

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