Friday, June 28, 2013

Fathwa - May a woman whose pregnancy was miscarried in the second month break her fast?

I was six weeks pregnant in Ramadhaan and foundblood so I went to the
doctor. I undertook investigations with sonarand she told me that the
ovum was sound. This took place on Thursday and I was fasting. On
Sunday, the ovum was aborted and I broke my fast. By the following
Sunday, my blood pressure increased and I fasted on Monday and
Tuesday. On Wednesday, a little blood appeared soI broke my fast and
then Iobserved fast as usual on Thursday. What is the ruling on
fasting before the miscarriage and on the two days when my blood
pressure was high?
All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the worlds. I testify
that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad,
is His slave and messenger.
Since the questioner mentioned that her pregnancy was in its second
month, the blood she found before the miscarriage was not the blood of
menstruation because a pregnant woman does not experience menstruation
according to the preponderant opinion of many people of knowledge
including ImaamAhmad. If the intended meaning of aborting the ovum is
aborting the pregnancy, then the blood she foundafter the abortion is
also not considered post partum bleeding becausethat occurs when a
woman aborts a fetus that has the form of a human being.
Scholars mentioned that the least period for this ismost probably
eighty-one days. Therefore, this blood is attributed to Istihaadhah
(i.e. vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual period) and illness and
not to menstruation and post partum bleeding. The blood of Istihaadhah
does not entail abandoning prayer, fasting and other mattersthat are
forbidden for women when experiencing menstruation. She shouldnot have
broken her fast on these days unless it was due to illness. She should
make up for thesedays in any case.
Allaah Knows best.

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