Friday, June 28, 2013

129 Names and Attributes of Almighty Allah

129 Names and Attributes of Almighty Allah
Ya-Allaho [66]
If recited 66 times at the time of Asar (Afternoon prayer time) or at
the time of setting sun, or in that last part of the night, prayer
will be granted and legitimate desires will be fullfilled. For a very
busy man it is permissible to recite 66 times. This is the self name
of God. This name has been repeated 2,607times in the Quran.
If recited 200 times on a Firday with ablution for any legitimate
desire it will be fullfiled by Almighty God.If this name is pasted on
the wall in the house there will be blessings of Almighty Allah.
If this name is recited 11,000 times on pills of flour and those pills
are thrown in the river or sea, difficulties of the person will be
sloved by Almighty God.
There are many merits ofthis name. Due to lack of space these few have
been written, If recited 1,000 times daily the person will become
pious and wordly love will be vanished form the heart of the person
and cognizance of Almighty God will be achieved Most of the ulema have
recommended that this in one of the Isme Azam i.e Great Name of
ALmighty God.
Al-Ahado [Unique] [13]
If recited 1,000 times in solitude it will be felt that Angels are
with the reciter. If recited 100 times it is useful for snake bite and
the patient will be cured.
Al-Avvalo [Foremost] [Alfa] [37]
If recited this name before starting any job/work, it will be
completed nicely with the blessings of AlmightyGod. If recited
regularly a great deal people will be kind to the person, and will
meet with departed and separated persons and reliatives in their
Al-Akhiro [Everlasting] [801]
If recited regularly there will be everlasting sucessin all works
taken in hand. The person will beloved by all and respected in all
aspects of life.
Al-Aliyyo [The Highest] [110]
If recited a great deal, the person will be respected and will be
honoured by all and will be promoted in rank if recited regularly. If
written name is kept on a person, one will become prosperous.
Al-Alimo [All knowing] [150]
If recited 10 times after every Wajib (obligatory) Prayer the person
will beaware of secrets of nature. If recited a great deal the person
will recognise Almighty God. If recited 21 times daily, the person
will become a learned man, If this name is written on a piece of bread
and eaten for 40 days the person will never have to starve.
If recited 40 times every day the person will acquire great wealth. If
recited 99 times it will be useful to gain the knowledge of alchemy.
If recited unlimited number regularly the person will gain such
spiritual powers that all will be afraid of him/her.
If recited regularly the person will do justice in all cases. Also
secrets are revealed by reciting this name. If written on a piece of
bread and eaten, the person wil have light in his/her heart. If
recited regularlywith unlimited number Almighty God will justify
his/her cases amicably.
Al-A'fvo [All forgiver] [156]
For removing of sins andachieving blessings of Almighty God this name
is very effective. This name can be recited at any time and at any
number, specially reciting this name 70 times after every Wajib prayer
is very effective.
Al-Akramo [The Gracious][261]
This name is very effective for obtaining grandeur. It should be
recited after every Wajibprayers and at the time of sleeping.If
recited a for a great number of time at the time of sleeping angels
will be detailed by Almighty God, who will ask forgiveness for the
person throughout the night.
Al-Azimo [The Grand, TheMagnificent] [1020]
Practice of this recitationof this Holy Name is beneficial for gaining
respect with influential personatlities as well as for the attainment
of an imposing and dominant personality. If recited regularly for any
diseasethe patient will be cured.
Al-Ba'eedo [The Farthest][92]
If recited regularly worldly passions and desires will be removed from
the heart of the person and he will become pious.
Al-Basito [ Uncloser] [72]
If after reciting this Holy Name ten times daily at dawn with one's
arms raised, one rubs hand onones face he will for ever be free from
askinganbody for anything. It is also recommended to be recited 72
times after Wajib Prayer, specially after morning prayer.
Al-Barro [The Good] [202]
This Holy Name should be regularly recited to gain inspiration to do
good deeds, for removal of troubles and for the long life of children.
Alsoit creates love of Almighty Allah. If recited 202 times on a
child, the child will become fortunate and lucky one
AL- Bareeo [The Artificer][213]
If recited daily the body of the person will not bedecayed in the
grave. A barren woman should recite this Holy Name a great deal to
have conception
Al-Baseero [All Seeing] [302]
If recited on Friday a great deal, the person will be specially
blessed by Almighty Allah. If recited regularly it will be very
beneficial for all ailments of eyes including night blindness. It is
also recommended that 7 times recitation of this Name keeping hands on
eyes will protect and increase eyesight. It will.cure eye sore.
Al- Baqi [The Eternal] [113]
If recited 113 times at any time of the day regularly the reciter will
be prosperous, and all troubles will be removedand enemies will be
humiliated and degraded.
Al-Badeeo [The Creator] [86]
This name will be useful for sucess in any endeavour, under taken by
the individual. Regular recitation of thisname and will make a person
free from all worries. If recited daily 86 times for 14 days for any
particular legitimatedesire, Almighty Allah will fullfil the desire.
If recited 1,000 times in one sitting for any particular legitimate
desire/obect it will be achieved within a week.
Al-Baa'eso [The Raiser for Death] [573]
One should recite this Holy Name one hundred times when going to bed,
then rub the hand on the chest, Allah will revitalise his heart, with
divine knowledge. If recited 573 times at bed time the person will
become wise. This name is also very useful for theimprovement of an
ill-tempered officer.
Al-Baatino [The Hidden] [62]
If recited regularly the secrets of the person willnot be known to
others and the mysteries will beknown to the reciter. Recitation of
this name creates self purification.
Ad-Dayyano [The Bestowerof Rewards] [65]
The practice of recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial for the
development of religous virtues in oneself.
AL- Fattaho [The Opener][489]
If one recites this Holy Name 70 times after Morning Prayer keeping
hand on the chest,the ALmighty Allah shall remove curtains from
hismind[i.e. his perceptive qualities shall become developed].Also for
every type of task the recitation of this name isbeneficial. if
recited 21 times after every Wajib Prayers.All worries will be
Al-Fardo [Unique] [284]
Recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial for the develpoment of
one's individuality and to become distingiushedin huge gathering.
Al FAATERO[Incision-Maker][290]
Almighty Allah makes incision in seeds and grows trees and plants
[creator] Recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial for making
difficult tasks easy.
Al-Faaliqo [The Splitter][211]
Almighty Allah splits the corn to make it grow and splits the darkness
of the night to make dawn. Whoever has lost his way at sea or land
should recite the Holy Name and he shall find his way.
Al-Ghaffaro [The Forgiver] [1281]
If recited 100 times after Juma Prayer, sins will be pardoned by
Almighty Allah. In another tradition it is narrated that this name
should berecited 1,281 times and all sins of the individual will be
pardoned by Almighty Allah.
Al-Ghafooro [The Forgiver] [1285]
To keep any item secret one should recite it for 3days 70 times daily
on sand and throw it into a well. If written name is kept on a person
by a sick person person suffering from fever, theperson will be cured.
If recited regularly 11 times after every Wajib prayers the person
will be pardoned by Almighy Allah. If recited regularly a great deal
the person will be saved form the temptations of the devil.
Al-Ghaniyo [The All Sufficing] [1060]
The benefits of this Holy Name are:-
To obtain wealth one should recite it twelve thousand times in one
sitting. To become rich and independant 2 typesof A'mal are
(i) One should recite it ten thousand times per week for a period of
10 weeks and in the mean time he should refrain from delicious dishes.
(ii) One should recite "Al-Ghani-ool Moghni'' 10,000 times on a friday
for ten consecutive Fridays and in the mean time one should refrain
from eating any form of meat.
Regular recitation of thisname makes the person prosperous. At time of
copulation if recited, wife will love his husband.
Al-Haadi, Al-Haadiyo [TheGuide] [20]
Recitation of this Holy Name increases knowledge. Regular recitation
of this name without break a great deal will make the person the
leader of a nation. Also the person will recognize Almighty Allah.
Al-Halimo [The Clement]
If any person recites it regurarly a great deal he/she will never be
oppressed and subdued by any one. If this name is written with saffron
and washed with water and with this water washed the apparatus
ofbusiness, there will be great blessing of Almighty Allah.
Al-Hayool-Qayoom [The Ever-Living]
[The Self-Subsisting] [18 and 166-184]
If recited 18 times after every Wajib prayer, it will be effecitve for
longevity, cure from sickness and cure from eye sore. If recited 58
times daily and innocentprisoner will be released. If recited
regularly many times theperson will pass away from this world with his
faith intact. These two names are beneficial for this world and for
the life hereafter. If the holy Name of Qayoom is engravd on the ring,
the person wearing it on his/her finger will become famous.
Al-Hamido [All Praiseworthy] [62]
If recited many times theperson will become a Philosopher without
anydoubt and his/her all affairs will be settled amicably. It is also
beneficial for attaining long life, and becoming pious. If recited
regularly a great deal by indecent speaker the person will become
polite in his/her talk.
Al-Hafeezo [The Preserver] [998]
If recited 1039 times, theperson will not be afraidof and will not be
harmed by any creature of Allah. He will be savedfrom all sorts of
accidents including drowning. It is very useful for weak hearted
person. If recited regularly the person will become courageous
andbrave. If recited regularly by sick person or recited for sick
person40 times daily for 26 days the person will be cured. If written
name is kept on the person he/she will be saved in all respect from
all creatures of Allah. It is recommended by many Ulema to recite this
name 998 times for removing fear and for success against enemies.
Al-Hafizo [The Preserver]
If recited 70 times the person will be saved from the tyranny of
tyrants. If recited 26 times daily regularly the person will be saved
from all sorts of calamaties.
Al-Haqqo [The Truth] [108]
If recited after every Wajib prayer, the sustenance of the personwill
be increased. If recited regularly a great deal the person will
recover his/her money/property illegallypossessed by any one. If
written on a square paper, kept on the palm of hand lifted towards
sky, the person will execute for all his/her important expeditiously
Al-Haseebo [The Reckoner] [The Sufficent] [80]
If recited 70 times every day for 7 weeks staring frm Thursday all his
work will be completed nicely and all legitimate desires will by
fullfiled. Also the person will get rid of all fears and troubles. If
any one has to clear his account before any individual or authority
he/she should recite the Holy Name 80 times before sunrise the person
will be all clear.
Al-Hakimo [The Judge of All] [78]
If this name is written with saffron washed with water and that water
sprinkled in the field, there will be great produciton. If recited
regularly a great deal, the person will not die an accidental death.
If recited after Night Prayer (Namaaz Tahajud)78 times daily the
person will have special knowledge from Almighty Allah. To become
aware of the things unknown and for success in every endeavour this
holy name should be recited a great deal.
Al- Jabbaro [The All Compelling] [206]
If recited 21 times daily, the person will be saved from tyranny. If
recited 206 times in the morning and evening the person will not be
harmed by any creature of Almighty. If recited regularly many times,
the enemies of the person will be desroyed.
Al-Jaleelo [The Magnificent] [73]
The recitation of this Holy Name is very beneficial to obtain grandeur
orestige and big positions. If written with saffron and musk and kept
on person the person will become honourable. It is recommended to
recite 10 times daily. If recited a great deal regularly daily, one
will gain respect in the eyes of people.
Al-Jamilo [The Beautifull][83]
If recited many times regularly the person will have spiritual light
on his face, will become pious and his/her heart will be clear from
all dirty thoughts.
Al-Jawado [The Generous] [14]
The recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial to develop the
qualities of charity and goodness.If recited a great deal of Thursday
sustenance willbe increased.
Al-Jaame'o [The Gatherer] [114]
If recited 114 times lost thing will be recovered. If recited 11 tiems
daily after WAjib prayer the person will have no calamities and
Al-Khabiro [He Who is Aware] [812]
This Holy Name is beneficial to become aware of unknown things. If
recited 21 times at bed daily the person will come to know about his
or her object in the dream.If recited 812 times for oneweek the person
will come to know how to achive his/her desire /object .The recitation
ofthis name is a sort of Istekhara which is known in the dream to
aperson as to do a thing or not and if to do how it should be done and
itsway out with its result.This name should be recited with ablution.
Al-Khaaleso [The Glorious] [721]
One should recite this holy name 721 times to be happy, after death in
the grave .One should practice its recitation to maintain ones faith
Al-Khaaliqo [The Creator][731]
If recited 731 times for one week the person will be saved from all
calamities of the earth and heaven.If recited regularly for a great
number of times daily the person ,if desired ,will be hidden from
thesight of the people .Also its recitation makes the person clean
Al-Kabiro [The Great] [232]
The recitation of this holy name is beneficial to achieve respect and
grandeur.If recited 232 for any legitimate desire, it will be
fulfilled by almighty Allah.If it is recited on a burnt place of man
it will be cured.If recited a great deal ,the person will recognise
All mighty.If recited both byhusband and wife both will lead a very
happy life.
Al-Karimo [The Bountifull] [270]
If recited on bed,on falling asleep,Allah will apoint Angels who will
pray for him and tell the reciter that Allah has made him free from
fear.Daily recitation of this holy name will increase ones respect and
wealth and the person will become humble natured .It is recommended
that if recited 21 times daily after wajib prayers,it will be very
effective to secure honour,dignity and prosperity.
Al-Kaafeeo [The Sufficient] [111]
He is sufficent to removeall kinds of troubles and sufficient to
bestow unlimited graces so that there might never arise a necessity to
ask anybody for something. This Holy Name should be recited constantly
to repel an enemy.
Al-Kaashefo [The Opener] [401]
One should recite "Ya Kaashefo Zurre Yaqooba"repeatedly many times
daily to remove grief,anxiety,poverty and diseases.
Al-Khafizo [The Abaser] [1481]
This name may be recited 1481 times for any legitimate desire.Regular
recitationof this name will humiliate one's enemies.It has also been
narrated by ulema that enemies cannot harm if recited against them.
Al-Latifo [The Gracious One] [129]
If recited,to be relieved of difficulties,it is effective.If a poor or
sickperson offers two rakaatprayers and then recites this holy name
his poverty or sickness will be removed by Almighty.The person
willnever be careless if recited regulary.It is recommended that if
this name is recited 129 times on every monday his/her all legitimate
desires will be fulfilled by Almighty Allah and the person will not be
put in any trial by the Almighty.
Al-Maliko [The King of Kings] [90]
One should recite this holy name 64 times dailyand its benefits are
permanence of wealth,greatness ,and Kingdom and also for the mastery
over subordinates.If recited 90 times daily the personwill become
contented and independent.
Al-Momino [The Faithfull][136] [The Bestower of Proctection]
If recited 136 times,the person will be saved from the wickedness of
wicked persons and jinns and will be in the proctection of Almighty
Allah .It is also effective as a safegaurd against any fear from any
enemyor accident.
Al-Mohaimeno [The Help in Peril] [145]
If recited 145 times daily the person will become pious,clear hearted
and straight forward.It is also effective for rain.If recited after
every wajibprayers all difficulties will be solved by Almighty and
Angels will be detailed to save the person from all sorts of accidents
.Should be recited 125 times for the purification of mind andbody.
Al-Matakabbero [The Majestic] [ 662]
If recited 14 times at sleeping time, the person will be saved from
nocturnal emmision.If this holy name is recited in front of an
oppressor or a tyrant,he(the oppressor etc)will be dishonoured at the
spot.It is also effective for gaining dignity .If recited 662 times in
the first nignt ofa persons marriage the wife will give birth to a
Al-Mosavviro [The Fashioner] [306]
If this holy name is recited at the particular time the child born
will be handsome and good.A woman who oberves fasts for 7 days,and
each day ,writes this name with saffron and at the time of writing
this name alsorecites this name 13 times and wash it with water and
drink at breakfast,will be bestowed with a son. It is also narrated
that if a barren woman does this practice she will give birth to a
child. To let down enemies this nameshould be recited 9 times.
Al-Mo'izzo [The Honourer] [117]
If recited regularly for a great number of times the person will get
greathonour from public and every one will be afraid of him/her.
Al-Mozilo [The Leader Astray] [771]
If recited 770 times and prayed to Almighty Allah for repayament of
debt, the debtor will make payment quickly to creditor.
Al-Moqeeto [The Maintainer] [881]
If recited more and moreit results in increase in one's sustenance
Al-Mojeebo [The Hearer of Prayer] [55]
If recited this name before beseeching to Almighty Allah, the request
will be achieved by Him. If recited 55 times for headache it will be
Al - Majeedo [The All Gracious] [57]
This name will cure leprosy. After keeping fast on 13th, 14th and 15th
of any lunar month and after breakfast recite this name 1,000 times
the person will be cured from this disease. Its recitation is also
useful for long life. Everykind of grief shall be removed by reciting
of this Holy Name,many times..
Al-Mateeno [The Firm] [551]
If recited at the time of copulation, the child so born will be pious
and virtous.
Al- Mohsebo [The Accountant] [148]
If recited for the safety from an enemy, the reciter will not be
harmed in any way. If recited 148 times regularly all the creatures of
Almighty Allah will be subjected tothe person.
Al-Mobdeo [The Beginner] [56]
If recited 56 times on thestomach of a pregnant woman, the child will
remain safe and there will be no abortion.
Al-Mo'eedo [The Resotrer] [134]
If recited 134 times the person will gain memoryand if recited a great
deal the person will be saved on the day of judgement from the
chastiment of Allah.
Al-Mohyio [The Quickner][58]
If there is any fear of imprisonment in any siuit case, this Holy
Namemay be recited and the person will be set free successfully in the
Al-Momeeto [The Slayer] [41]
The recitation of this Holy Name is very useful for extravagant. If
recited 490 times on an enchanted person, her will be cured. If it is
recited regularly, the person will be protected from enchantment.
Al-Moqtadiro [The All-Powerful] [744]
If recited 15 times daily in the morning on waking up, and without
speaking to any body, the legitimate desire of the person will be
fullfiled by Almighty.If recited many times daily the person will get
the position on a martyr.
Al-Moqaddimo [The Forewarner] [184]
If recited on water or syrup, and that water/syrup is given to any
body, he she will love the reciter. If recited on water or syrup and
given to someone, the person will start the reciter.
Al-Moot'ali [The One above Reproach] [551]
If recited 551 times daily the person wil get rank in soverign if
recited reglarly the person will becomee a dignified awe inspiring and
commanding personality.
Al-Moontaqimo [The Avenger] [631]
If the person is week and cannot take revengefrom the enemy the person
may recite thsi Holy Name and blow towards the enemy. Almighty Allah
will take revenge on behalf of thereciter, If recited this Holy Name
for a nukber of times regulalry, the person will be saved from the
sins miraculously, and will never be harmed by any of his/her enemies.
Malekal Moolke [King of Kings] [212]
If recited daily regularly a great deal the person will become
carefree, independant and without any want. The person will be
prosperous within a short period. It is recomended by many Ulema
(learned Persons) that thisname may be recited after every
Wajibprayers and it is better ifthe Quranic Verse is recited.
Al-Moqsito [The Equitable] [209]
If recited regularly after every Wajib prayer, there will be no
ttmptations of the devil during Prayer (Namaz).
Al-Moghni [The Sufficer] [1100]
If recited 1,000 times on Fridays without taking meat, milk, butter,
Ghees, Eggs and fish in food, the person will become prosperous, Insha
Allah. If recited at the time of copulation, wife will love her
husband. It is recomended that this name may be recited 70 times after
Wajib Prayer.
Al-Moa'tee [The Provider] [129]
If recited 129 times for any particular legitimatedesire/object it
will be fullfied by Alnmighty Allah. If recited as follwoing a great
deal daily, regularly, the person will become and independant from
asking/begging anything from any person i.e he will bever have any
need to be from any body.
Al-Maneo [The Withholder] [161]
If recited at the time of sleep a great number of times the debt of
the person will be paid within due course. If rrecited for any
particular legitimate desire 161 times after any Wajib Prayers the
desire will be fullfiled byAlmighty Allah.
Al-Mannano [The Great Benefactor] [150]
If this name is recited offand on to be fearless and to obtain great
rewards from Almighty , the same will be given tothe reciter.
Al-Moheeto [The Guardian] [67]
To increase one's knowledge and to overpower anything thisHoly Name
should be recited whenever required. If recited manytimes regularly
Almighty Allah will be the guardian of the reciter.
Al-Mobeeno [The Manifest] [48]
The recitation of this Holy name is beneficial to create bonds of love.
Al-Majido [The High] [48]
If this name is recited in privacy a great deal regularly the person
will become clean hearted and will ahve the light from heaven in
his/heart. If this name is written with saffron andafter washing with
water is given to any one to drink it love will be created in the
heart of the person drinking it.
Al-Mon'imo [The Liberal] [200]
If reciteed often the person will become prosperous soon.
An-Na'eemo [All Blessing] [170]
This Holy name is recitedfor thanksgiving to Almighty Allah, who has
been blessing, at every moment. his creatures. This name is recomemded
to be recited early in the morning before morning prayers and after
night prayer (Namaz Isha). If this name is recited many times
regularly, the person will be blessed byAlmighty Allah and unlimited
wealth will be given to the person and to hsi progeny upto seven
Al-Nafe'o [The Propitious] [201]
If this Holy Name is recited many times regularly in the monthe of
Rajab, secret of heavenly knowledge willbe revealed to the person by
Almighty Allah.
An-Nooro [The Light] [256]
The practice of the recitation of this Holy Name is beneficial for
becoming aware of the secrets as well as to maleone's conscience
clean. Ifrecited regularly after Wajib prayer, the personwill get a
light in his/herheart be Almighty Allah.
Al-Qooddooso [The Holy One] [170]
Thsi Holy Name should be recited 170 times on every Friday, this will
purify one of inner self and the person will become pious.
Al-Qahharo [The Dominant] [306]
If recited as many times as possible and worldly love will be vanished
from the heart of the person. If the undermentioned be recited in the
last 3 days of the lunar month when the moon is not visible with the
follwoign doa Ya Qahoro, Ya Qahharo, Ya Zal Bat-Shish Shadeede Antal
Lazi La Yaataqo Inteqamohoo, the enemies will be destroyed.
Al-Qabizo -[The Closer] [903]
If written this name along with Ya Hafeezo on a piece of bread and
eaten regularly for forty days the person will not suffer from pangs
of hunger. If recited 11 tiems for enemy, the enemy will be subdued.
Al-Qaw [The Almighty] [116]
This Holy Name helps at the time of fear. If recited 116 times the
person will become lion hearted and courageous.
The recitation of this Holy name is beneficial to remove weakness
andto gain strength. He whohas a powerful enemy tobe reckoned with,
should make one thousand pills of flour and recite the Holy Nameone on
each pills and feed the birds: he shall be free form any potential
danger from the enemy.
Al-Qazi [The Judge and Fullfiler of Wishes] [911]
AL-QAZI-OOL HAAJAATE. The practice of reciting AL-QAZI-OOL-HAAJAATE is
very effective for the satisfaction of one's legitimate desires.
Al-Qayyoom [The Self Subsisting] [166]
If recited much the mindwill be purified and if one gets''HAYYOOL
QAYYOOM'' engraved on the stone of his/her ring he shall get eternal
respect. If recited at the time of sleeping the person will make the
person prosperous.
Al-Qadiro [Provodence] [305]
If recited a great deal with ablution, the person will be succesful
over his enemies, and it will also strengthen the heart of the person.
If recited on the last Wednesday of munar month for lethat enemy, the
enemy will be repulsed regular recitation of this Holy Name will the
person dynamic.
Al-Qadeemo [Eternal] [154]
The recitation of thsi Holy Name is very beneficial to ontain longevity.
Al-Qareebo [The Near] [312]
He is Near to the faithfuls to fulfill their legitimate wishes. One
should recite this Holy Name fifty five times to be safe from nay form
Ar-Rahmano [The Merciful] [298]
If recited 100 times after every Wajib prayer, Almighty Allah will be
very merciful to the indivudual and also he/she will regain memory and
will be cured from firgetfulness.If it is recited regularly the cruel
hearted personwill become merciful.
Ar-Raheemo [The Compassionate] [258]
If recited 100 tiems in a day, the person will become compassionate.
If any one has got any difficult task or the person will achieve the
particular object for which recited:-
Ya Allaho, Ya Rahmano, Ya Raheemo:
These above names of Almighty will be recited in such a way as if the
person is calling Almighty Allah.
At the time of sunset oneshould prostrate (Sajda) and implore the
Almighty. If this name is recited 313 times the person will become
free from all sorts of cares and desires.
If this name is written with saffron and washedwith water and and
withthis water a tree is irrigated there will be more production.
Ar-Razzaqo [The Provider] [308]
If recited 11 times after Wajib Prayer, the personwill have never to
worry about his/her sustanence. If recited regularly a great deal, the
sustenance will be increased by Almighty Allah. Before morning Prayer
if this name is recited 10 times on each corner of the house, starting
from Qibla side, there will be abundance of sustanence.
Ar-raqeebo [The Watchful] [312]
If recited 7 times on any movable or immovable proerty or one family
members, they will be protected by Almighty Allah and will not be
destroyed. This name is also effective for achieving peace of mindand
the person will become careful on his/her affairs. If recited on any
eatable oil and that oil is applied on boil, it will be cured Insha
Allah. If anything islost this Holy Name is recited 312 times, the
lost thing will be recovered Insah Allah.
Ar-Ra'oofo [The Ever Indulgent] [292]
If recited regularly a great deal, hard hearted person will become
merciful. If recited for any tyrant person, the person will be
dishonoured very soon particularly the following 3 names of Allah if
recited for a tyrant will be very effective.
Ya HAleemo, Ya Ra'oofo, Ya Mannano.
Ar-Rafio [The Exalter] [351]
If recited 100 times aafter Zohr Orayer (Namaz Zohr) the personwill be
prompted in rankand dignity. If recited 92times the person will be
saved from tyrants. If recited 9 tiems dauly after Wajib Prayers tge
person will be honouredby all.
Ar-Rasheedo [The Unerring] [514]
One who practices the recitation of this holyName will never go astray
from faith. If recited in between Maghrib and Ishaa Prayer for 514
times legitimate desire will be fullfiled.
Ar-Rabbo [The Preserver][202]
It is said by certain group of Ulema (learned men) thta this
Isme'Azam. If recited regularly in any number,Almighty Allah will save
his/her children. There are 12 meanings of this Holy Name of Almighty
Allah. It will be also useful for fulfilment of legitimate desires.
As-Salaamo [The Peace] [131]
If recited daily many times the person will become a learned one . If
recited by a sick person on his head 100 times, the sick person will
be cured.
I fht efollowing verse of Surae Yaseen Chapter 36 is recited 136times
on Tasbeehe Khake Shifahanging ont he head of a sick person, the sick
person will Insah Allah will be cured.This should be done at least 3
As-Samio [The All Hearing] [180]
If recited much, legitimate desires will beaccepted. If written
withsaffron and musk on a china plate and washed with Rose Oil, will
be beneficial for ear disease and earache. If recited 9 times after
every Wajib prayer for a legitimate desire/request to Almighty Allah,
the same may be accepted. If recited unlimited number of
timesregularly without fail the person will become one whose
legitimate desires may be granted by Almighty Allah.
Ash-Shahido [The Witness] [319]
If any persn or any thingis lost, this name should be written on 4
corners of a piece of paper. In the middle of the paper the name of
the person or thing which is lost should be written. then at midnight
take the paper in hand and recitethis name 70 times at every corner of
the paper, the thing or person will be found Insha Allah. If recited
on disobedient children, they will become obedient. If recited on
water and that water is given to drink yo a sick person, he/she will
be cured.
As-Samado [The Lord] [80]
If recited regularly one will be sustained properly by Almighty Allah
and will never suffer starvation. If recited 7 times, stomach pain
will be cured. If recited 134 times daily, the person will be care
free from all and will have no need of anyone except Almighty Allah.
As-Soobbooho [The Holy][76]
If this name is written ona bread after Juma prayer and eaten by any
person, he/she will become pious, and will achieve the nature of
As-Saneo [Creator] [211]
If recited at the time of manufacturing any item it will be completed
verynicely. It is very useful for skilled labour.As-Shakooro [Bestower
of Rewards to Thankfuls][526]
Thsi Holy Name should be recited on water for 40 times and eyes
shouldbe washed with this waterto cure eyes troubles and night
blindness. If recited a great deal daily the person will be sucesfull
on the day of Judgement. It is also for Pthisis.
As-Sabooro [The Patient][298]
If recited after morning prayer it will be very beneficial. If recited
1,000 times at the time of any worry or shock. the person will get
As-Sattaro [The Hider] [661]
Defects and sins of a person will be concealedby Almighty Allah
recitedregularly many times.
Ash-Shaafi [The Healer] [391]
If recited 391 times on a patient, he shall recover.Recitation of this
Holy Name is beneficial for curing all the external aswell and
internal diseases. If recited on food, the food will become harmless.
It should be recited daily.
AT-Tawwabo [The Relenting] [406]
Its recitation is beneficial for being inspired for repentence as well
as to remain free from the commitment of sins.If recited regularly the
person will never be sorry.If recited a great deal,repentence will be
accepted.If recited 11 times for a tyrant person,he/she will be saved
from his tyrany.
At-Ta'atto [The Equitable] [209]
If recited unlimited times regularly the individual will have no
worries and if there are worries already these will be removed by
Almighty God.
Al-Vitro [The one Peerless] [606]
(One without an Associate)To keep oneself secluded from people his
name should be recited many times.
Al-Valiyo [The Nearest Friend] [46]
Recitation of this Holy Name is benificial for devoloping friendship
with people.If recited 46times at the times of sleep,keeping any
view/object in mind,the same will be defined in the dream just like
Istekhara.For all difficulties this Holy Name should be recited 46
times on the night of Friday.
Al-Vakeelo [The Gaurdian] [66]
The name of Allah and Vakeel have the same numerical value
i.e.66.After every wajib prayers after reciting Tasbeeh Fatima
Zahra(A.S.) These two Holy Names should be recited 66 times each with
Durood in the begining and the end.This is very beneficial and
effective for all purposes particularly for protection from unforseen
calamities and accidents.This Holy Name is recited to be safe from
enemies,burning and drowning.If recited a great deal the person will
be saved from all sorts of sins.If this Holy Name is written with
saffron and kept on person,the person will be saved from all sorts
ofaccidents and particullarly from drowning and burning.This name
suffices all purposes,and Allmighty God will stand security for all
his/her affairs and litigation.
Al- Wafiyo [The Fullfiler of Promises] [97]
It is beneficial to practiseof this Holy Name so thatone can be able
to keep the given promises.
Al-Walio [The All Governing] [47]
If this Holy Name is recited many times the person will have good
progeny and may be bestowed with the kingdom or estate by Almighty
Al-Wahhabo [The Bestower] [14]
Recitation of this Holy Name is very beneficial to obtain repeated
bounties. If one recited this Holy name 14 times in prostration
(Sajda) God will make him rich. If one recited this Holy Name one
hundred times at the last portion of the night with his hands raised
recitation of this name many times maked the person prosperousaas well
as popular in the public.
Al-Wase'o [The All-Comprehending] [137]
One should practise recitation of this Holy Name to increase one's
sustenance. If recited 11 times on a scorpion bite it will be cured.
If reciteda great deal the person will become mild and gentle.
Al-Wareso [The Inheritor] [707]
The recitation of this Holy Name should be practised for longevity as
well as safe living of one's children. If recited 1,000 times Almighty
Allah will keep the person on the righteous path. If recited regularly
many times the person will be given saftey by Almighty Allah. By the
recitation of this Holy Name all difficulties are removed by Almighty
Al-Wahido [The One] [19]
The repeated recitation of this Name is beneficialfor love and in
journeys. If recited on food and that food is eaten the person will
get light in his/her heart.
Al-Wajido [The All-Perceiving] [14]
If recited regularly a great deal the person will have luminious and
resplendant heart.
Az-Zarro [The Harmful] [1001]
If it is recited on a field of agriculture or farm, there will be
abundance of crop. If written on a paper with saffrom, washed with
water,and any feild ,farm or fruitless tree is irrigated with this
water,the sameresult as above will be achived.If recited 1001 times in
the night of Friday, the person will be saved from all calamities.If
recited regularly many times it will be benificial for all purposes
and legitimate desires.
Az-Zahiro [The Manifest] [1106]
If recited a great number of times for knowing a secret object it will
be very effective and will be known to the person in a dream orin any
other way. If recited on antimony andused in eyes,the person will be
loved by all.If recited after morning prayer daily the person will
recive light and knowledge from Almighty God.
Ya-Zool-Jalale Val Ikram [The Lord of Splendid Power] [1100]
It has been recomended by several Ulema that this Holy Name is (Isme
Azam) the Great Name ofAlmighty God.If recited regularly a great deal,
the person will be honoured by all.

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